May 23, 2008
Accurate Diagnoses Begin with Quality SamplesTips for Sample Collection
Tips for Sending a Plant Sample
Tips for Sending an Insect Sample
By following these recommendations for collecting and submitting samples to the diagnostic clinic, samples will arrive in excellent condition. Send samples to: University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
The UNL Extension Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic is here to help diagnose your plant, insect or weed questions. The clinic offers services related to the identification of plant diseases, insects, horticultural plants, weeds and herbicide injury.
Service charges are the same as previously and include:
Standard sample – $10: The standard sample fee is applied to all samples that can be identified with only visual and/or microscopic examination.
Additional charges:
Culturing for pathogen identification – $10. (The additional fee helps to cover the cost of media, other reagents and the time involved in identifying the causal agent. )
SCN Assay – $10
Plant Parasitic Nematode Assay – $15
Goss's Culture – $10
Stewart's ELISA – $15
Misc. ELISA test (most virus identification) – $15
Insect Culture – $10
Following the guidelines (see box) for collecting and sending samples can help ensure that samples arrive in excellent condition for an accurate diagnosis. If you have a plant or pest problem, first consult with your extension educator who often can help with a diagnosis.
Available this year on-line at is a weekly update of the diseases being observed on field crops submitted to the clinic. The goal is to provide notice of what's being seen across the state and what diseases may be moving into your production acres. It is important to remember that the diseases reported in the update are not all the disease currently being seen in the field.
All of us at the diagnostic clinic look forward to serving your diagnostic needs this summer. We hope that your plant and insect problems are minimal and that you have a bountiful growing season.
Amy Ziems
Extension Educator, Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic Coordinator
Lowell Sandell
Extension Educator, Weed Science
James Kalisch
Extension Associate, Entomology
Anne Streich
Extension Educator, Horticulture