Dr. Ken Hellevang, retired North Dakota State University Extension agricultural engineer and professor emeritus, regularly shared grain storage information with CropWatch throughout his 44 years at NDSU. For more information about his work and publications, please visit the NDSU Grain Drying and Storage website.

Experts: Transforming Scientific Knowledge into Ag Practices, Policy is Essential

May 6, 2013

Much of the scientific and technical knowledge needed to address the world’s burgeoning food needs already exists. The challenge now is to get it into small farmers’ hands in a way they can use it, and to convince governments to change policies to make it more feasible for them to do so.

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Glyphosate-Resistant Common Waterhemp Confirmed in Nebraska

April 25, 2013
Glyphosate-resistant waterhemp
Figure 1. Glyphosate-resistant common waterhemp in a Nebraska soybean field.

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Recommendations for Pre-plant and Pre-emergence Weed Control

Kochia seedling
Figure 1. Kochia seedling (Photo by Amit Jhala)

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