Aaron Nygren

1071 County Rd G Ithaca NE 68033-2234
Work 402-624-8005 On campus, dial 7-8005
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Faculty Bio

He provides local agronomic support for Saunders, Douglas and Sarpy County.

Market Journal: Nebraska Economy Showing Signs of Improvement

June 5, 2009 On this week's Market Journal Extension Host Doug Jose speaks with Ernie Goss, Jack MacAllister Chair in Regional Economics at Creighton University, about the state of Nebraska's economy. Goss reports that economic indicators for May were less negative than they had been for the previous four months.

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USDA: Nebraska Crop Emergence and Condition

June 5, 2009

Table 1. Corn emergence in the Corn Belt. (Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service)

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Tuberculosis Cattle Found in Rock County

June 5, 2009 According to Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) State A herd of beef cattle in the Rock County area have tested positive for tuberculosis, according to Nebraska Department of Agriculture State Veterinarian Dr. Dennis Hughes.

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UNL Analyzes Data from Test Holes and Helicopter for NRDs

June 5, 2009 This is not your grandmother's water dousing. UNL geologists are analyzing data collected by high-tech helicopter-mounted equipment to pinpoint locations where water is likely to be found.

Helicopter testing for water near Firth

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