Justin McMechan

  • Assoc Professor University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Work Entomology Hall (ENTO) 105B
Lincoln NE 68583-0816
Work 402-472-2312 On campus, dial 2-2312
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Truck in pasture
USDA/Flickr (Public Domain)

Tax Options Amid Drought Conditions

September 29, 2022
Nebraska Farm Business, Inc. Director Tina Barrett reviews factors that farmers and ranchers should take into consideration before electing tax deferrals for drought-impacted crops and livestock.

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SCN nematodes

Sample for Soybean Cyst Nematode This Fall

September 29, 2022
Soil testing is the only way to accurately identify and monitor soybean cyst nematode, which may be the cause of unidentifiable yield loss during fall harvest.

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Cornstalk sample cutting

Using a Cornstalk Nitrate Test to Evaluate Nitrogen Management Decisions

September 29, 2022
At the end of the season, a nitrate test can help determine whether the crop was under-, adequately or over-fertilized with nitrogen, resulting in the potential to significantly reduce input costs.

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Soil layers

Cropland Reference Ecological Unit — A Land Classification Unit for Comparative Soil Studies

September 29, 2022
UNL researchers have developed the Cropland Reference Ecological Unit and Soil Health Gap concept to offer a method of describing the true soil health potential of land.

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Team measures water infiltration

Assessing Soil Health at the Field Scale: Putting Reference Soils and Sampling Strategies All Together

September 28, 2022
In a recently published article, UNL researchers help shed light on common questions related to using cover crops as a way to meet soil health goals.

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Departure from normal precip 2022
Figure 1. Departure from normal precipitation during 2022 growing season in Nebraska.

Another Dry Year: What to Know About Leftover Nitrogen in Soil Following Dry Conditions

September 28, 2022
In irrigated or dryland areas with normal production, management practices may continue as normal, but for dryland areas with drastic yield reductions, there is potential for nitrogen fertilizer adjustment for the 2023 crop.

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Farm family

Free Farm Succession Workshops in December

September 27, 2022
The Nebraska Rural Response Hotline is hosting three workshops in December that will help producers build business succession plans and better understand certain tax measures, such as inheritance tax and federal transfer tax.

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Corn harvest

Crop Progress: Harvest Continues Near Average Pace, Slow Start for Winter Wheat Emergence

September 27, 2022
Harvest is progressing at average pace for all crops except dry edible beans, which continue to lag last year's harvest pace by 16%. Winter wheat emergence is also behind at 4% as of Sept. 25, compared to the average 15% for this time of year.

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