Jim Jansen

57905 866 Rd Concord NE 68728-2828
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  • MS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2012
  • BS, South Dakota State University , 2010

Jim Jansen is an agricultural economist with the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center. His current outreach efforts focus on farm management and land economics. He conducts the annual UNL Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report and serves as a member of the extension team providing risk management outreach.

Except for Iron and Zinc, Application of Micronutrients Often Not Warranted

April 1, 2012

Plants require seven micronutrients: boron (B), chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn). In Nebraska, deficiencies of iron and zinc can be common, depending on soil properties, but deficiencies of the other five micronutrients are rare.

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Aphids in Corn and Sorghum

July 19, 2012

Jenny Rees, extension educator in Clay County, said growers are reporting greenbugs (Figure 1) in sorghum and corn leaf aphids (Figure 2) on corn in south central Nebraska.

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Begin Scouting for Western Bean Cutworm Eggs

June 29, 2012

Western bean cutworm moths have been emerging since June 12 at Clay Center. As moth numbers increase, mating will begin and females will begin laying eggs on corn. The appearance of the first moths provides a signal that farmers and crop consultants should begin to scout fields for the white, dome-shaped eggs.

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