Jim Jansen

57905 866 Rd Concord NE 68728-2828
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  • MS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2012
  • BS, South Dakota State University , 2010

Jim Jansen is an agricultural economist with the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center. His current outreach efforts focus on farm management and land economics. He conducts the annual UNL Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report and serves as a member of the extension team providing risk management outreach.

Proper Corn Planting Depth Critical to Successful Season

April 2, 2010

With these nice spring days, you may be eager to start planting, even in wet soils where planting may be difficult. Remember that many agronomic problems that occur later in the season start with how things were done at planting, particularly the planting depth you use. Problems can include:e proper depth.

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Soil Temperature: A Guide for Planting Agronomic Crops in Nebraska

Feb. 2, 2011

Seeds require optimum soil temperatures to initiate germination and sustain early development, irrespective of the climate zone or year. Farmers who plant before the soil reaches optimum temperatures assume a higher risk of yield loss. This could be due to such factors as seed death, poor germination, or limited initial growth.

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Corn Leaf Burn from Sidedressing Anhydrous Ammonia

May 22, 2009
Nitrogen burned corn leaves
Figure 1. Ammonia damage on corn at the V6 growth stage.

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