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Alfalfa field
Spring is a critical time to control weeds in alfalfa, as weeds grow faster than stressed alfalfa, leading to thin stands, weakened plants and lower yields.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Increasing Alfalfa Productivity with Grass Mixtures, Spring Weed Control

March 9, 2023
Interseeding cool-season perennial grasses into alfalfa and applying herbicides in early spring are reliable methods of improving alfalfa production and health this growing season.

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Farm equipment
Participants of the 2022 Innovative Youth Corn Competition experimented with using supplemental sulfur, fertigation, PrairieFood, Pivot Bio and cover crops to boost yields and maximize their return on investment.

Innovative Youth Corn Challenge Contest 2022 Results

March 9, 2023
Arlington FFA Chapter members Aaron Fuchs and Braden Monke placed first in the 2022 contest with their study on supplemental sulfur, which increased plant health and final yield of their corn crop.

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Corn field
To view Walter's webinar with Nebraska Farm Bureau on making 2023 crop insurance decisions, click the link to the article below. (Photo courtesy Center for Agricultural Profitability)

Caution Needed When Purchasing Supplemental Coverage Option and Enhanced Coverage Option

March 3, 2023
Cory Walters, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, breaks down how these two crop insurance contract options work to protect producers and their operations as the March 15 deadline to sign up approaches.

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FarmBits episode banner

FarmBits Podcast: Precision Plant Protection

March 2, 2023
Nessi Benishti from Agrio discusses the company's mobile applications, which help producers make precision plant protection decisions using artificial intelligence.

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FarmBits episode banner

FarmBits Podcast: Predictive Pig Performance

March 2, 2023
Amos Petersen, founder and CEO at FarrPro, talks with the FarmBits team about the Sentry system, which assists producers with tracking hog health and behavioral information.

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Tractors prepping field
Soybeans, corn, beef, dairy, cotton and tree nuts were the top commodities exported by the U.S. in 2022 and represented more than half of U.S. agricultural export value.

2022 Was Another Record Year for U.S. Farm Exports

March 2, 2023
According to USDA, U.S. agricultural exports in 2022 increased 11%, or $19.5 billion, from the previous record set in 2021.

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Calf in clover
Clover is one of several legumes that can fix atmospheric nitrogen and provide high quality forage in pastures if interseeded into fields with adequate phosphorus levels and good seed placement.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Legume Frost Seeding, Spring Planting Alfalfa

March 2, 2023
Extension educators share techniques for finding success while frost seeding legumes in pastures and establishing new alfalfa stands this growing season.

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Amit Jhala

Jhala Named Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Associate Head

March 2, 2023
Jhala's new position will support the department's goals in connecting faculty and extension educators throughout Nebraska, creating opportunities for collaborations on translational research, and enriching student experiences.

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