Jeff Bradshaw

Work Plant Sciences Hall (PLSH) 279D
Lincoln NE 68583-0933
Work 402-472-3345 On campus, dial 2-3345
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Tractor in field
According to the Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Survey preliminary report, the market value of agricultural land in Nebraska increased by over 14% over the prior year. (Photo courtesy Center for Agricultural Profitability)

2023 Farm Real Estate Report Published: Nebraska Land Values Up 14%

March 16, 2023
The 2023 report findings mark the second-largest increase in market value of ag land in Nebraska since 2014, and the highest non-inflation-adjusted statewide land value in 45 years.

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February precipitation map

February 2023 Brings Wet and Warm Conditions East, Cold and Drier Conditions West

March 15, 2023
Several areas of Nebraska had a one- to two-category improvement in drought conditions throughout the winter season, which has been the fifth wettest winter on record for the state.

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Tractor spraying soil
For producers planting corn-on-corn this growing season, Nebraska Extension encourages taking soil samples to determine accurate nitrate levels and adjusting N application rates accordingly, as there may be considerable amounts of residual nitrogen left from the previous corn crop.

Understanding Soil Residual Nitrogen and its Dollar Value for Next Crop

March 14, 2023
For producers planning corn-on-corn this growing season, there may be a substantial opportunity to reduce nitrogen fertilizer applications, as drought and reduced yields likely left higher-than-normal residual N in many fields.

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Butterfly pollinating coneflower
Producers and landowners enrolled more than 5 million acres into CRP in 2022, which helped them establish long-term, resource-conserving plants to control soil erosion, improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat on cropland.

USDA Conservation Reserve Program Signup Ends April 7

March 13, 2023
Producers and landowners interested in signing up for CRP in 2023 should contact their local USDA Service Center for assistance prior to the deadline.

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Soil school attendees working
A group of farmers, consultants, researchers and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service employees collaborate on an activity to first find the soil type and then its appropriate standard at the Nebraska Soil Health School. (Photos courtesy Nicole Heldt)

Nebraska Soil Health School Offers Expert Insights to Producers, Ag Professionals Statewide

March 13, 2023
Following a successful premiere of the new Nebraska Soil Health School, the second installment will be June 27-28 at the West Central Research, Extension and Education Center in North Platte, Nebraska.

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EPA proposed zone diagram

EPA Proposes Updates to Pesticide Application Exclusion Zone Regulation, Opens Public Comment Period

March 13, 2023
The updates would clarify procedural duties if an unauthorized person enters the AEZ during a pesticide application, where landowners may be located during application, and proposes a new droplet size classification system.

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Farm finance clinic banner
Though the farm finance and ag law clinics are offered monthly at sites across Nebraska, remote sessions are another option — call the number below to arrange a one-on-one meeting via phone or virtual platform.

Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for March

March 10, 2023
If you can't attend one of the two dates scheduled for free, in-person farm and ag law clinics in March, virtual/phone options are also available anytime. 

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Farmers discuss ag tech
Taylor Cross (right), a graduate student in mechanized systems management, speaks with Nebraska ag producers Doug Jones (left) and Tony Jones about the sensor-based fertigation management technology that’s been shown to increase nitrogen-use efficiency and profitability in on-farm research. (Photo courtesy Nebraska Today | Hannah Gaebel Dorn, HG Images)

Sensor-based Fertigation Management Research Boosts Efficiency, Profitability

March 9, 2023
Tested on cornfields in eastern Nebraska, the study's sensor-based fertigation produced about 44 pounds more grain per pound of nitrogen than traditional methods, with an increase in profitability ranging from $28-$40 per acre.

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