Amy Schmidt

student, faculty
Graduate Student
Work Chase Hall (CHA) 216
Lincoln NE 68583-0726
Work 402-472-0877 On campus, dial 2-0877
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  • Ph D, Mississippi State University, 2010
  • MS, Iowa State University, 1999
  • BS, Iowa State University, 1997

icon-documentPublications and Other Intellectual Contributions

  • Effectiveness of Composting as a Biosecure Mortality Disposal Method for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV)-Infected Pig Carcasses, Porcine Health Management, November 2017
  • Runoff water quality characteristics following swine slurry application, Transactions of the ASABE, November 2017
  • Spatial Variability of Heating Profiles in Windrowed Poultry Litter, Journal of Applied Poultry Research, June 2013
  • Testing Gridded NWS 1-day Observed Precipitation Analysis in a Daily Irrigation Scheduler, December 2013
  • Uncertainty analysis of an irrigation scheduling model for water management in crop production, Agricultural Water Management, June 2015
  • Quality-assured measurements of animal building emissions: particulate matter concentrations., Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995), December 2006
  • Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: gas concentrations., Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995), October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2006
  • An assessment of nitrogen-based manure application rates on 39 U.S. swine operations., Journal of environmental quality, May 2004
  • ANSI/ASABE EP585 Animal Mortality Composting Standard, ASABE Standards, December 2015

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • Engineer of the Year, Nebraska Section of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2016
  • Outstanding Pork Service Award for Producer Outreach, Nebraska Pork Producers Association, 2016
  • ASABE Standards Development Award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2016
  • Epsilon Sigma Phi Early Career Service Award, Epsilon Sigma Phi Honor Society - Mississippi Chapter, 2011
  • Success Award, Leadership Resources, 2014
  • State Pride Award for Faculty Excellence, Mississippi State University, 2011
  • Faces to Watch, UNL Institute of Ag and Natural Resources, 2013

Faculty Bio

Organic corn field

UNL Extension Partners with USDA Organic Transition Program

June 29, 2023
UNL faculty members are currently developing a new online ag course, producer guide and website to help Nebraskans who want to transition to organic production.

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VegDRI map

Weekly Weather Update: June 29, 2023

June 29, 2023
With unsubstantial rainfall and the arrival of high summer temperatures, drought continues to intensify in eastern Nebraska, setting records for exceptional drought status in some areas. 

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Droughty corn

Forage Options for Drought-stressed Non-irrigated Vegetative Corn and Nitrate Concerns

June 29, 2023
UNL experts share recommendations for producers who are considering using non-irrigated drought-stressed corn as forage.

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Western bean cutworm adult moth

Degree-days for Prediction of Western Bean Cutworm Flight

June 29, 2023
Measuring the amount of heat between an upper and lower threshold to which an insect has been exposed, degree-days models can provide a high level of precision in predicting western bean cutworm peak flight.

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Cephalosporium stripe on wheat

Wheat Disease Update: Overview of the 2023 Growing Season

June 28, 2023
Eastern Nebraska wheat fields weren't significantly impacted by disease this growing season; however, due to abundant rainfall, western Nebraska and Panhandle growers have observed moderate levels of Fusarium head blight and severe tan spot.

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Niobrara River
Recreational water sport enthusiasts particularly enjoy floating the Niobrara River on the stretch near Valentine, Nebraska, where it has been designated a national scenic river.

Major Nebraska Rivers and Their Drainages: Part 6

June 28, 2023
The final installment of the Nebraska Rivers series focuses on the "crown jewel" of Nebraska — the Niobrara River — as well as the White River and Hat Creek. 

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Drought-stressed alfalfa field

Pasture and Forage Minute: Drought-stunted Alfalfa Options, Bluegrass Control

June 27, 2023
Recommendations for producers facing short alfalfa stands from drought stress and encroaching bluegrass, plus water needs for livestock during summer.

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Flame weeding demonstration
Several local organic farmers who utilize flame weeding will share their experiences with the technique during the workshop Aug. 15 at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center.

Flame Weeding Workshop on Aug. 15 at ENREEC

June 27, 2023
The workshop will feature demonstrations on how to do proper flaming to control over 10 major Midwestern weeds in field corn, sweet corn, popcorn, soybean, sorghum, sunflower and wheat.

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