Amy Schmidt

student, faculty
Graduate Student
Work Chase Hall (CHA) 216
Lincoln NE 68583-0726
Work 402-472-0877 On campus, dial 2-0877
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  • Ph D, Mississippi State University, 2010
  • MS, Iowa State University, 1999
  • BS, Iowa State University, 1997

icon-documentPublications and Other Intellectual Contributions

  • Effectiveness of Composting as a Biosecure Mortality Disposal Method for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV)-Infected Pig Carcasses, Porcine Health Management, November 2017
  • Runoff water quality characteristics following swine slurry application, Transactions of the ASABE, November 2017
  • Spatial Variability of Heating Profiles in Windrowed Poultry Litter, Journal of Applied Poultry Research, June 2013
  • Testing Gridded NWS 1-day Observed Precipitation Analysis in a Daily Irrigation Scheduler, December 2013
  • Uncertainty analysis of an irrigation scheduling model for water management in crop production, Agricultural Water Management, June 2015
  • Quality-assured measurements of animal building emissions: particulate matter concentrations., Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995), December 2006
  • Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: gas concentrations., Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995), October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2006
  • An assessment of nitrogen-based manure application rates on 39 U.S. swine operations., Journal of environmental quality, May 2004
  • ANSI/ASABE EP585 Animal Mortality Composting Standard, ASABE Standards, December 2015

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • Engineer of the Year, Nebraska Section of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2016
  • Outstanding Pork Service Award for Producer Outreach, Nebraska Pork Producers Association, 2016
  • ASABE Standards Development Award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2016
  • Epsilon Sigma Phi Early Career Service Award, Epsilon Sigma Phi Honor Society - Mississippi Chapter, 2011
  • Success Award, Leadership Resources, 2014
  • State Pride Award for Faculty Excellence, Mississippi State University, 2011
  • Faces to Watch, UNL Institute of Ag and Natural Resources, 2013

Faculty Bio

Instructions for Nitrogen Slide Rule

Access a PDF version of the instructions without photos.

Information needed to use the Nitrogen Rate Slide chart (EC168):

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Survey: Nebraska Farmland Values Hit Plateau

March 27, 2009 Agricultural land values in Nebraska reached a plateau in the last year after several years of gains, according to preliminary estimates from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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Stabilizing Repaired Gullies with Cover Crops

March 27, 2009 If you didn't get a chance to repair field gullies last fall, repairing them now, before April rains come, can help reduce further erosion and maintain farmability.

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State's Drought Status Improves from 2008

March 27, 2009

No part of Nebraska is identified as in a drought and only 11% is identified as abnormally dry, according to the March 17 U.S. Drought Monitor. The abnormally dry area is in the western half of the Panhandle and due to hydrological dryness.

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Reservoirs Filling, Still Below Normal

March 27, 2009

Reservoirs in the Platte and Republican river basins have been recovering over the past year and two are near or at capacity.

Platte River Reservoirs

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Soils in Central, Eastern Nebraska near Saturation

March 27, 2009

Heavy rainfall during October 2008 left many areas of south central, central, and east central Nebraska with soil profiles that are saturated or close to field capacity in the upper 4 feet of the profile.  Areas within these regions have received 8 to 12 inches of moisture from October 1, 2008 through March 19, 2009.

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