Holly Hatton-Bowers

Work Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall (CPEH) 397
Lincoln NE 68588-0236
Work 402-472-2957 On campus, dial 2-2957
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Holly Hatton-Bowers received her doctorate from the University of California, Davis in human development with a focus on caregiver well-being, early childhood development and early mental health. She completed the University of Massachusetts/Napa Infant-Parent Mental Health Post-Graduate Certificate Program in 2007.<br><br>As an Assistant Professor and Early Childhood Extension Specialist in the Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies (CYAF) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), her scholarship activities focus on identifying and implementing effective ways to promote the well-being of early childhood educators, families and young children. The key areas of her work focus on: (1) developing the reflective capacities of caregivers to increase their potential for learning, (2) identifying effective contemplative strategies to support the well-being of caregivers and children, and (3) enhancing social-emotional learning in early care and education.


  • Ph D, University of California Davis, 2012

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • Honorable Mention best JSWE Mixed Methods Article, Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) Editorial Advisory Board, Council on Social Work Education, 2016
  • University of Nebraska Innovative Extension New Employee Award. , Nebraska Cooperative Extension Association., 2017

Faculty Bio

Jerry oat cover crop

Evaluation of Diverse Cover Crops Across Nebraska: Findings from Spring-planted Cover Crops in 2022

February 23, 2023
Results from 2022 variety trial research conducted on numerous cover crop species at five UNL research stations across Nebraska.

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VanDeWalle family
Nebraska Extension Educator Brandy VanDeWalle with her husband Kurt, and daughters McKenzie (far left) and Meredith (far right). The VanDeWalles share a family passion for agriculture — Kurt is an ag teacher in Fillmore County, and their daughters are heavily involved in 4-H and in the process of building their own cattle herd. (Photos courtesy Brandy VanDeWalle)

Digging into Extension: VanDeWalle Bridges Divide Between Youth, Ag Industry

February 16, 2023
Brandy VanDeWalle keeps the farm kids in Nebraska — find out how her Nebraska Extension endeavors are enriching the lives of all Nebraskans in this new Digging into Extension.

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The planting intentions survey will be mailed this month, and producers can respond via mail or online.

USDA to Survey Farmers’ Planting Intentions for 2023

February 16, 2023
NASS will ask producers to provide information online or by mail about the types of crops they intend to plant in 2023, how many acres they intend to plant and the amounts of grain and oilseed stored on their farms.

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January 2023 precipitation map

December's Stormy Weather Continues Into January

February 16, 2023
January ranked as the third-wettest on record for Nebraska, with six storm systems resulting in above-normal precipitation for the entire state.

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Planting at sunset
In a recent Producer Perspectives webinar, Cory Walters, UNL grain marketing specialist, chatted with Nebraska farmers Guy Mills Jr. of Ansley, and John Willoughby of Wood River about their decision-making strategies for the 2023 growing season.

Producer Perspectives: Preparing to Capitalize On and Survive the 2023 Growing Season

February 16, 2023
Cory Walters, UNL grain marketing specialist, sits down with two Nebraska producers to discuss important elements driving their decision-making and financial management strategies for 2023.

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People in meeting
Any corporation with limited liability protection should regularly keep the minutes of its annual meeting to ensure its continued legal status. (Photo courtesy Center for Agricultural Profitability | Jopwell/Pexels)

Meeting Minutes Requirements for Farm and Ranch Businesses

February 16, 2023
UNL financial management experts outline what should be in a corporation's annual meeting minutes and why it's so important to record and keep them.

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Cornhusker Economics experts break down the uncertainties many producers face with pre-harvest marketing, and provide context through models based on historical data. (Photo courtesy Center for Agricultural Profitability | Erin Ehnle Brown/realagstock )

Hedging Your Average Crop Price Using Seasonals

February 16, 2023
Center for Agricultural Profitability experts connect what the industry says and what producers say to improve the disconnect and the decision-making environment associated with hedging.

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Cattle eating hay
If your grass, alfalfa or cereal grain feed tests low in magnesium, switching to a high calcium or magnesium mineral will ensure better animal health and milk production.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Avoiding Tetany, Nitrate Issues, Calculating Pasture Rental Rates

February 7, 2023
Extension educators review the importance of testing winter hay and monitoring animals for tetany and nitrate poisoning, and factors to consider while calculating pasture lease rates.

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