CropWatch April 9, 2010: Adjust Alfalfa Management According to Weather

April 9, 2010

No two crop seasons are alike and plants adjust accordingly. You need to adjust as well.

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CropWatch April 9, 2010: Replacing Alfalfa with Grass-Alfalfa Mixtures

April 9, 2010

Hay growers in our area often plant new fields to alfalfa without even thinking about other alternatives. For lots of folks, pure alfalfa is the best choice, but for many of you, it might be better to mix in some grass, like orchardgrass, smooth brome, or festulolium.

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CropWatch April 9, 2010 Crop Production Clinic Videos Now Available Online

April 9, 2010

If you missed the 2010 Crop Production Clinics, now you can catch many of the presentations online.

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