Glennis McClure

Work Filley Hall (FYH) 303B
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
Work 402-472-0661 On campus, dial 2-0661
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Glennis McClure joined the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Agricultural Economics as an Extension Educator for Farm and Ranch Management Analytics in November, 2017. Responsibilities in this position include publishing livestock and crop enterprise budgets, surveying and publishing the Farm Custom Rates Guide, and assisting with special economic analyses in the department.<br><br>Glennis joined the University of Nebraska after a three year stint as Executive Director and then Senior Development Coordinator at NGage, the economic development organization serving Beatrice and Gage County, Nebraska. Prior to NGage, Glennis served as Vice President and Program Manager for the Nebraska Enterprise Fund (NEF). NEF is a Certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that provides loan capital to small businesses and programs.<br><br>Other career experiences include a two year appointment as the Senior Community Affairs Advisor with the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Omaha Branch. From 1999 to 2006, Glennis served as a business specialist and co-director of the REAP program, and earlier in her career taught agri-business at Southeast Community College and was a farm business consultant with the Nebraska Farm Business Association (NFBA). While with the NE Farm Business Association, Glennis worked with sixty farm families in southeast Nebraska to provide enterprise and whole farm business analysis along with tax management and preparation services.<br><br>Both her Bachelor and Master degrees are from UNL. Glennis currently serves on the Campus Statewide Promotion Committee, Nebraska Cooperative Extension Association board and as an active member of the NCEA Agricultural Section. Other memberships include the Wymore-Blue Springs Area Fund Advisory Committee and Chair of the Southern Gage Kiwanis group. Recent memberships include: Chair of Gage County’s Tourism Advisory Committee (2006 - 2020) and member of the Nebraska Economic Developers Association, treasurer of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church – Wymore (25+ years), Beatrice Rotary, and the University of Nebraska President’s Advisory Committee member (2015-17).<br><br>Glennis resides near Blue Springs on their family farm with her husband Ed. They have 3 married children and seven grandkids.


  • MA, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1996
  • BS, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1981


  • AECN 896, Special Topics in Agricultural Economics; Enterprise Anlys:Ag Producers, Fall 2022

icon-business-chartResearch & Grants

  • Effective Budgeting, Negotiation, and Management Strategies for Agricultural Land, North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center, April 2020

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • Excellence in Extension Team Award - Soybean Management Field Days, UNL Extension, 2019

Introduction in CropWatch

Corn field
Many producers have already contracted a portion of their expected corn harvest and history suggests they will not regret that decision. (Center for Ag Profitability photo)

Managing Market Volatility in 2023

June 30, 2023
Center for Ag Profitability experts examine market volatility for corn, wheat, hay and cattle, and add perspective on tools available to manage this risk at this point in the season.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Loose Smut

June 30, 2023
Don't let loose smut catch you off guard — learn how this common wheat disease spreads, the best ways to avoid it and options for growers once a loose smut infection has been identified.

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N Field banner

This Week on N Field: Maverick Corn Herbicide

June 30, 2023
Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala shares details about Maverick, a new corn herbicide that provides broad spectrum weed control.

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Organic corn field

UNL Extension Partners with USDA Organic Transition Program

June 29, 2023
UNL faculty members are currently developing a new online ag course, producer guide and website to help Nebraskans who want to transition to organic production.

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VegDRI map

Weekly Weather Update: June 29, 2023

June 29, 2023
With unsubstantial rainfall and the arrival of high summer temperatures, drought continues to intensify in eastern Nebraska, setting records for exceptional drought status in some areas. 

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Droughty corn

Forage Options for Drought-stressed Non-irrigated Vegetative Corn and Nitrate Concerns

June 29, 2023
UNL experts share recommendations for producers who are considering using non-irrigated drought-stressed corn as forage.

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Western bean cutworm adult moth

Degree-days for Prediction of Western Bean Cutworm Flight

June 29, 2023
Measuring the amount of heat between an upper and lower threshold to which an insect has been exposed, degree-days models can provide a high level of precision in predicting western bean cutworm peak flight.

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Cephalosporium stripe on wheat

Wheat Disease Update: Overview of the 2023 Growing Season

June 28, 2023
Eastern Nebraska wheat fields weren't significantly impacted by disease this growing season; however, due to abundant rainfall, western Nebraska and Panhandle growers have observed moderate levels of Fusarium head blight and severe tan spot.

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