Man and woman walk with children in field
Farm families can use life insurance as part of estate and transition planning to ensure financial security and smooth business succession for future generations.

Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance

September 20, 2024
Life insurance can be a valuable tool for farm families, offering tax-free death benefits if structured properly. This article outlines the types of life insurance and their roles in debt coverage, estate equalization and income replacement.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Termination Time of Cereal Rye Under Planting Green in Corn

September 20, 2024
In planting green scenarios, the timing of cover crop termination is critical for avoiding impacts to crop yield while maintaining optimal weed control.

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Harvesters in corn field

UNL Researchers Develop Sustainability Index to Measure Impact of Ag

September 20, 2024
Elliott Dennis, associate professor of agricultural economics, highlights details about UNL's new Sustainability Index, which measures the sustainability practices currently used by producers to help protect the environment.

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Combine harvesting soybean
Setting accurate custom rates for harvesting operations is essential for balancing fuel, labor, and equipment costs to ensure profitability for producers.

Setting Custom Rates for Fall Harvest

September 20, 2024
The article discusses how to set custom rates for fall harvest operations in Nebraska, using the latest 2024 Custom Rates Survey data.

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Alfalfa exiting machinery during harvest
Properly timing the final alfalfa harvest using growing degree days (GDD) helps ensure winterization and prevent winterkill, allowing stands to thrive in the next growing season.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Timing Last Alfalfa Harvest with GDD, Sampling Hay

September 17, 2024
Insights on using growing degree days for alfalfa harvest to ensure winterization before dormancy, managing nitrate levels in annuals for foraging livestock, and sampling hay for a comprehensive quality test.

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Temperature outlook map

Weekly Weather Outlook and Update: Sept. 19, 2024

September 19, 2024
After a cooldown and much-needed rain to usher in the first day of fall this weekend, a summer-like sizzle will return to Nebraska next week, likely bringing worsening drought with it.

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Prairie strip plants growing between corn rows
Young prairie strips planted in between corn rows in Tama County, Iowa. (NRCS/SWCS photo)

Improving Your Bottomline: Benefits of Prairie Strips Field Day on Sept. 24

September 19, 2024
Discover how implementing prairie strips through the CRP CP43 program can boost farm profitability while enhancing soil health, water quality and biodiversity at this event in Grant next week.

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Rainfed corn yield prediction map

2024 Corn Yield Forecasts: End-of-Season Forecasts Suggest Near to Above-Average Yields for the Region

September 19, 2024
Overall, the 2024 corn yield forecast is 6% above the historical trend, with 46% of rainfed sites near average and 36% above average. Irrigated corn is also expected to be near average for most sites.

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