Gary Lesoing

volunteer, emeriti
1824 N St Auburn NE 68305-2395
Download vCard for Gary Lesoing

Former Nebraska State SARE Coordinator

Twitter: @glesoing2

Aerial farmland
Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication

Record Ag Land Values in Nebraska Attributed to High Commodity Prices, Low Interest Rates

July 14, 2022
The average value of agricultural land in Nebraska for the year ending Feb. 1, 2022 increased 16% over the prior year, the largest increase in market value since 2014.

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Farm family in field
Photo courtesy Erin Ehnle Brown/realagstock

Extension Workshop to Focus on Inheriting Farmland and Modern Management, Farming Practices

July 14, 2022
Participants will receive free information and advice on lease provisions, legal considerations, communicating with family and more issues related to inheriting farmland.

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Center pivot
Figure 1. Center pivot irrigation on dry beans in the North Platte Valley. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Pathfinder Canal Break Update

July 14, 2022
Since July 7, PID indicated that sufficient repairs had been made to the breach to start bringing in water to the canal.

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On-farm research field
Nebraska grower Jon Walz was one of 35 producers involved in the Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) evaluating various technologies to improve their nitrogen use efficiency. (Photo by Elizabeth Hodges)

Farmer Focus: Producer Engages in On-Farm Research Project to Cut Input Costs

July 14, 2022
Results of one Nebraska grower's on-farm research on reducing nitrogen inputs by using a Trimble GreenSeeker crop sensor and Corteva's Granular Insights decision support system.

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With conditions remaining dry this summer, if the grasshopper population in an established field is higher than five hoppers per square yard throughout the field or 15 hoppers per square yard in field margins, insecticides should be considered.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grasshopper Control, Safe Grazing Guidelines And Blue-green Algae Poisoning

July 13, 2022
Tips for effective control of grasshoppers in alfalfa, prussic acid poisoning from summer annual forages and blue-green algae in livestock water.

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Soybean Management Field Day field demo
Free to attend, the 2022 Soybean Management Field Days will be held at four farms in Nebraska: Blue Hill, Central City, Brownville and Decatur.

Immersive Demonstrations Planned for Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 9-12

July 13, 2022
Growers will be able to ask cropping system experts about production concerns and receive complimentary identification of their soybean crop issues at this free Nebraska Extension event.

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Aerial view of field

See Latest Field Research at South Central Ag Lab Field Day Aug. 4

July 12, 2022
Guests can choose from numerous crop production tours to suit their interests in soil health and management of nutrients, crop diseases, insects, weeds and irrigation.

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Pasture in Nebraska
CropWatch file photo

Forage Field Day on Aug. 4 at Haskell Ag Lab

July 12, 2022
This year's Forage Field Day will feature numerous sessions geared toward forage growers in Nebraska, including silage production and harvest, nitrogen management, cover crops and alternative forages.

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