UNL CropWatch Nov. 9, 2010: USDA Crop Production: Soybeans Hit Record High; Corn Down Slightly

November 9, 2010

Based on November 1 conditions, Nebraska’s corn crop is forecast at 1.48 billion bushels, down 2% from last month and 6% below last year’s record high, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office.

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UNL CropWatch Nov. 8, 2010: USDA: Nebraska Crop Report

November 1, 2010

Nebraska crop harvest progressed at an above average pace as warm, windy conditions prevailed the previous week, according to a Nov. 1 report from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service Nebraska Field Office.

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UNL CropWatch Nov. 5, 2010: Poll: Rural Nebraskans Feeling More Positive than in 2009

November 5, 2010

Rural Nebraskans are much more positive about their lives than they were just a year ago, according to the Nebraska Rural Poll. It may be a sign that uncertainty over the looming recession in 2009 has given way to a realization that the region's economy didn't dip as low as some feared it would, say poll organizers.

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UNL CropWatch October 29, 2010: Corn Test Weights: High One Year, Down the Next — A Volumetric Pe

Oct. 29, 2010

Corn test weights are the pride of farmers some years and their humility the next. So, what does it mean to have high or low test weights? The answer can be somewhat surprising. Corn test weight is simply a measurement of volumetric grain content expressed in pounds.

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