Debalin Sarangi

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Combine harvesting corn field
The Agricultural Budget Calculator is a free tool to help producers figure machinery field operation and ownership costs. For more, visit the ABC website. (CAP photo)

Figuring Field Operation Costs Using the Agricultural Budget Calculator Program

February 1, 2024
This article provides an in-depth analysis of field operation costs for newer equipment versus slightly older equipment of similar size and power, which are used to determine costs for planting row crops.

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Pin-Chu Lai stands in front of extension building near sign
The Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center in Scottsbluff welcomed Dr. Pin-Chu Lai, entomologist and Nebraska Extension specialist, on Jan. 2, 2024. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Entomologist Leaves Humid Climates Behind for Semi-arid Plains

February 1, 2024
Dr. Pin-Chu Lai joined the university's faculty in January as the Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center's new entomologist and Nebraska Extension specialist.

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Farmers assessing soybean in field during harvest
The 2024 Nebraska Soybean Production Clinic is free to attend and will offer CCA credits for each presentation.

Nebraska Soybean Production Clinic Planned for Feb. 15 in Central City

January 31, 2024
Presentations at the 2024 Soybean Production Clinic will feature Nebraska Extension research on integrated pest management, soybean planter setup, nutrient and irrigation management, plant diseases and more.

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Man filling out tax forms at desk
For farmers and ranchers, having investments like a retirement account can help mitigate risk. Often, retirement funds grow at a higher rate than inflation, protecting a person’s purchasing power later in life.

One-Participant 401(k): Saving for Retirement and Reducing Taxes

January 31, 2024
Insights on saving for retirement and reducing tax liability for self-employed farmers and ranchers.

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Phone displaying IRS website and cash money
According to USDA, only 40% of farm households participate in some type of retirement account.

One-Participant 401(k) as a Tool for Farmers and Ranchers

January 31, 2024
Center for Ag Profitability experts review features of the One-Participant 401(k), which helps self-employed individuals and their spouses save money for retirement and reduce taxable income.

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CAP workshop banner
For assistance with fluctuations in commodity crop prices, producers can elect coverage and enroll in ARC-County or PLC on a crop-by-crop basis, or ARC-Individual for the entire farm, for the 2024 crop year. Elections must be submitted by March 15.

ARC/PLC Program Workshop for Ag Producers Announced

January 31, 2024
Hosted at numerous sites throughout Nebraska in February, the free workshops will help producers learn more about the ARC and PLC programs and how to apply in 2024.

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Green wheat field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat at Nearly 70% Good-Excellent Condition

January 31, 2024
January's precipitation was a boon for Nebraska, improving "good" winter wheat standings by 23% and adequate-surplus topsoil moisture supplies by 26%.

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Bean plants in greenhouse
Bean plants grow in the UNL Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center’s greenhouse. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Nebraska Dry Bean Day Scheduled for February

January 30, 2024
Register by Feb. 9 to attend the 2024 Nebraska Dry Bean Day, featuring presentations on Nebraska Extension research, ag industry updates, weather impacts on dry bean production this growing season, and more.

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