Identifying Fall-emerging Weeds
October 30, 2023
Can you identify henbit, field pennycress, prickly lettuce and other fall-emerging weeds? Marestail in particular may be a problem this fall and require an alternate herbicide as the majority of marestail in eastern Nebraska is resistant to glyphosate and ALS-inhibiting herbicides.
Nebraska's Top Weed Problems and Most Common Herbicides
July 26, 2018
The results of a 2015 survey on Nebraska's top weed challenges and how growers and agribusiness were responding was recently published in the journal Weed Technology.
Consider Weed Growth Stage for Optimum Control with Liberty Application
May 23, 2018
Consider these three guidelines to ensure maximum weed control with Liberty in LibertyLink corn and soybean and view a time-lapse video demonstrating how quickly waterhemp regrows when treatment occurs after the optimal weed height of 4 inches or less.