UNL CropWatch April 30, 2010: Sign-Up Underway for CSP

April 30, 2010

Farm, ranch and forest landowners and operators still have time to sign up for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) at their local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office.

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UNL CropWatch April 23, 2010: Hay Too Wet to Bale? Try Hay Inoculants and Preservatives

April 23, 2010

Hay-making season will start surprisingly soon. If rain often affects your hay-making plans, try hay inoculants and preservatives to get hay made without spoilage.

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UNL CropWatch April 23, 2010: Manage Spring Grazing to Reduce Excess Grass Heading

April 23, 2010

Spring pastures are early and growing fast so spring grazing should be good.

Some years, and this may be one of them, there is so much grass that by early summer much of the pasture has gone to seed. This can lower feed value and reduce calf gains. To avoid this problem, follow these three management steps:

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UNL CropWatch April 23, 2010: Market Journal: Soybean Qualities Sought by Chinese Buyers

April 23, 2010

On this week's Market Journal Lisa Lunz, chair of the Nebraska Soybean Board, discusses what characteristics Chinese buyers are looking for in U.S. soybeans. Topping the list are soybeans with a higher oil and protein content than those traditionally grown here.

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