Buckbrush Control in Pasture

June 19, 2009 Buckbrush (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) is a native weed common in northeast Nebraska in rangeland, woodland, ravines and near streams. Heavy stands can reduce grass production as much as 80%, especially in dry years, and should be controlled.

Description and Life Cycle

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Managing Windrow Disease In Alfalfa

June 19, 2009 Rained-on hay plagues all growers eventually and the "windrow diseases" that often follow present lingering problems.

Windrow disease - that's what I call the stripes of field where alfalfa windrows remained so long that regrowth was delayed.

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Postemergence Weed Control In Alfalfa

June 19, 2009 When weeds threaten seedling alfalfa, control them with mowing or a herbicide application, basing your choice on weed type and size.

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North Platte Reservoirs Up; One Full

June 19, 2009

McConaughy Now Over 50%

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UNL Wheat Tours Continue this Week

June 19, 2009 UNL winter wheat plot tours will continue this week in the Panhandle. They offer information on new wheat varieties, drought stress, wheat streak resistance, and other topics relevant to western Nebraska.

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South Central Disease Management Crop Clinic June 24

June 22, 2009 Disease management for wheat, corn, and soybeans will be the topic of a crop clinic this Wednesday, June 24, at the UNL South Central Agricultural Laboratory (SCAL) near Clay Center. Registration will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the program to begin at 7 p.m.

Featured speakers will be Tamra Jackson and Stephen Wegulo, Extension plant pathologists.

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