2021 Alfalfa and Wheat Expo attendees
Attendees of the 2021 inaugural Southeast Nebraska Alfalfa and Wheat Expo listen as former Nebraska Extension Educator Melissa Bartels shares insights about alfalfa diseases.

2022 Southeast Nebraska Alfalfa and Wheat Expo on Sept. 1

August 18, 2022
The second annual expo will feature extension insights on a wide array of alfalfa and winter wheat concerns — variety recommendations, underseeding red clover, cost-share programs, and research on pest, disease and irrigation management. 

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Rainfed corn yield chart

2022 Corn Yield Forecasts as of Aug. 16

August 18, 2022
Compared to previous forecasts, there is a higher probability of below-average yields for both irrigated and rainfed corn, especially in the western fringe in the region. Overall, the regional average yield is expected to be below the historical averages.

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Corn silage

Pasture and Forage Minute: Storage Considerations for Corn Silage and Hay

August 17, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators share recommendations on harvesting and storing drought-stressed corn for silage, and the most efficient ways to minimize hay bale weather loss.

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Water droplets

Estimated Crop Water Use: Aug. 15

August 12, 2022
Estimated crop water use for Nebraska Panhandle crops for the week of Aug. 8.

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Farmers shaking hands

Terminating a Verbal Farmland Lease

August 11, 2022
Extension educators share recommendations on terminating verbal land and pasture leases when disputes arise.

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Precipitation map

Weekly Agricultural Weather Update — Aug. 9, 2022

August 11, 2022
Heat is expected to dominate in the central Plains over the next two weeks, and with few precipitation opportunities, further warm-season crop deterioration is anticipated.

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Trade workshop banner

Trade School Workshop in Omaha Aug. 26

August 11, 2022
Topics of the workshop will include an overview of how trade policy was established, the impact of agricultural imports, how trade policy and market development work together to drive grain sales, and more.

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Aerial irrigation circles

Cash Rents and Land Values: 2022 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Update

August 11, 2022
Extension Agricultural Economist Jim Jansen provides an overview of 2022 land values and cash rental rates as well as trends and outlook.

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