Daran Rudnick

Adjunct Faculty
Work Chase Hall (CHA) 232
Lincoln NE 68583-0726
Work 402-472-1413 On campus, dial 2-1413
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Bee on flower
FieldWatch covers all registered commercial apiary sites, vineyards, orchards, fruit and vegetable grow sites, nursery and Christmas tree production sites, and certified organic and transitional organic crops. To add your site onto FieldWatch, visit the link below.

Online Mapping Service Connects Specialty Crop Growers, Pesticide Applicators and Beekeepers to Protect Sensitive Crops, Pollinators

March 31, 2023
As the growing season quickly approaches, producers are reminded to use FieldWatch and DriftWatch to protect specialty crop acreage and apiaries, which number in the thousands across Nebraska.

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Discovery Days 2022 exhibit
A 2022 East Campus Discovery Days and Farmers Market attendee learns to lasso at the UNL Rodeo Club exhibit. The annual event, held on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s East Campus for three Saturdays each summer, offers locally grown and produced foods and crafts, educational activities from UNL departments, food trucks and live music. (Photo by Jordan Opp, University Communication and Marketing)

Growers Sought for East Campus Discovery Days

March 30, 2023
In addition to giving local growers a chance to connect with the public as business owners and agvocates, Discovery Days also showcases the ag research, teaching and extension taking place across IANR.

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Legislative chamber
Two bills in the 2023 legislative session have the potential to impact Nebraska ag in significant ways — LB 591 would change the deadline for oral cropland lease termination notice from Sept. 1 to Jan. 1, and LB 662 would enhance protection for livestock owners from nuisance lawsuits. (Photo credit: Nebraska Unicameral Information Office)

Lease Termination Deadline, Livestock Nuisance Bills Among Ag Agenda Items in 2023 Nebraska Legislature

March 30, 2023
UNL Agricultural Law and Water Specialist Dave Aiken reviews the details of two bills in the 2023 legislative session dealing with farmland leases and livestock nuisance lawsuits.

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Tractor in field
Research has shown that small businesses who highly engage in strategic planning activities realize 60% higher gross returns than those who do not highly engage. (Photo courtesy Center for Ag Profitability)

What is the Value of Strategic Planning for Farmers and Ranchers?

March 30, 2023
UNL Farm and Ranch Management Specialist Jay Parsons discusses the impacts of sound strategic planning and decision-making in today’s ag industry.

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Daran Rudnick on RFD-TV

Rudnick Highlights Importance of TAPS Competition on RFD-TV

March 30, 2023
Daran Rudnick, UNL associate professor and irrigation management specialist, provides a brief background on the TAPS program, how the competition works and why it’s had such a positive impact on Nebraska producers.

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Survey QR code

Feedback Sought for Future Extension QuickBooks Trainings

March 30, 2023
Individuals who complete the survey will help Nebraska Extension prepare the training courses and materials that may best benefit ag producers in 2023. 

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Cattle grazing pasture
With intense drought conditions last year, it may be prudent to reduce stocking rates and delay turnout this spring, to help grasses in their recovery process.

Pasture and Forage Minute: 2023 Grazing Plans, Preventing Grass Tetany

March 30, 2023
With spring officially here, it's time to put 2023 grazing plans in place and be on the lookout for signs of grass tetany.

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For successful double cropping, small grains like triticale should be planted now through early April, grazed from the third week of May to early June, and then followed by a summer annual grass.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Double Cropping Forages, Alfalfa Dormancy

March 21, 2023
In this installment: Strategies and tips for successfully double cropping annual forages this year, and a breakdown on what fall dormancy means for alfalfa growth during the next growing season.

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