Aaron Berger

209 E 3rd St Kimball NE 69145-1486
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Nebraska Grazing Conference Offered Aug. 11-12 in Kearney

July 24, 2009

An in-depth look at grazing — from becoming a grass farmer to the production and marketing of grass-finished beef — will be featured at the 2009 Nebraska Grazing Conference Aug. 11-12 at the Kearney Holiday Inn.

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Field Updates from Across Nebraska (7-09)

July 24, 2009

Chuck Burr, Extension Educator in Phelps and Gosper counties: A hail storm hit Phelps and Kearney counties this week, damaging a strip 5-9 miles wide and 15 miles long. Damage ranged from 10% to 100% leaf loss and 50% stalk loss. Soybeans were severely defoliated.

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Gray Leaf Spot Severity Increasing Rapidly

July 10, 2009

gray leaf spot

Figures 1 and 2. Gray leaf spot lesions on corn.

gray leaf spot

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Controlling Weeds in Wheat Stubble After Harvest

July 10, 2009

Timely control of weeds following winter wheat can limit soil moisture loss to weeds and prevent the deposit of more weed seeds in the soil, two factors that can benefit the next crop's yield. In addition, timely control of volunteer wheat is essential in reducing the spread of wheat streak mosaic disease.

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Soybean Disease Observations on Nebraska Crop Surveillance Network

Nebraska Crop Surveillance Web site
The Nebraska Crop Surveillance Network includes field observations from 20 counties. Access detailed information by county.

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