Combining corn
About one-third of the producer corn and soybean fields studied were successful in achieving high yields within irrigated water requirements.

Study: High Crop Yields Are Compatible with Prescribed Irrigation Levels

June 18, 2019
New research from University of Nebraska researchers has found that one-third of studied fields achieved high crop yields without surpassing prescribed irrigation levels.

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Soybean gall midge adult

Emergence of Soybean Gall Midge in Southern Cass County, NE

June 15, 2019
Soybean gall midge adults were collected June 14 and 15 in Cass County, but have not yet been found elsewhere in Nebraska traps. This article addresses when and where treatment is warranted. (June 15, 2019)

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Soybean emerging from a crack in a heavily crusted field.

Considerations after Crusted Soybean

June 14, 2019
Soil crusting is challenging soybean emergence, but is it enough to warrant replanting? Here are early steps to remediate crusting problems and factors to consider when considering replanting.

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Crop Diseases Confirmed by UNL Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic

June 14, 2019
Report of the diseases reported in samples submitted to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab from May 15 to June 14 for corn, soybean, and wheat.

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Cover image for the Nebraska CropWatch podcast

CW Podcast: Managing Early Season Insects in Corn and Soybeans

June 13, 2019
In the latest Nebraska CropWatch podcast Michael Sindelar is joined by Robert Wright from the Department of Entomology to discuss how to prevent or identify and treat early season insects in corn and soybeans.

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Strategies for delayed soybean planting

Strategies with Delayed Soybean Planting

May 24, 2024
Adjusting soybean planting practices (row spacing, seeding rate and the use of custom planting) and relative maturity of the variety can help maximize yield potential when planting after mid-June.

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Thistle caterpillar

Thistle Caterpillars In Soybean

June 12, 2019
The painted lady butterfly has been observed in eastern Nebraska for about a month and recently there have been reports of its immature stage, the thistle caterpillar, in soybeans.

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Injury from 1/10 Labeled Rate of XtendiMAX on R1 Roundup Ready Soybean

Effects of Dicamba Micro-Rates On Non-Dicamba-Resistant Soybean

June 6, 2019
The authors report on research to evaluate six micro-rates of two dicamba products on growth, development, and yield of three non-dicamba-resistant soybeans at three growth stages of application: second trifoliate (V2), beginning flowering (V7/R1), and full flowering (R2).

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