Wheat field

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Harvest Begins

June 28, 2022
Winter wheat harvest in Nebraska has begun, with 66% of the crop reported to be in fair to excellent condition.

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Corn plant

Crop Progress: Planting Nearly Complete, Crop Conditions Make Slight Improvement

June 23, 2022
As of June 19, planting season was nearing the end, with sorghum at 95% and dry edible beans at 87%.

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Frogeye leaf spot

Fungicide Resistance and Management of Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean in Nebraska

June 16, 2022
Frogeye leaf spot — which will likely begin appearing in Nebraska soybeans within the next few weeks — can cause significant yield loss, but there are effective management options available.

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Corn plant
Corn, Soybean Emerged, Sorghum Planting at 90%

Crop Progress: Corn, Soybean Emerged, Sorghum Planting at 90%

June 13, 2022
As of June 12, the majority of corn and soybean crops had emerged, with conditions rating 88% fair to excellent for corn and 90% fair to excellent for soybean.

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Farmer with tablet

UNL is Helping Build a Tool to Optimize Soybean Management Decisions

June 9, 2022
UNL is seeking producers willing to provide field and management data that will be used in the development of a new online cropping system optimization decision tool for soybean farmers.

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Soybeans emerging in field

Crop Progress: Corn Planting Complete, Soybean Planting at 96%

June 7, 2022
Planting in Nebraska is back on track — USDA NASS's report for June 5 stated corn is finished, soybeans are at 96%, and sorghum and dry edible beans are now ahead of last year's pace.

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Soybean field

Crop Progress: Corn Planting Nears End, Soybeans at 87% Planted

June 1, 2022
By May 29, 95% of corn had been planted, and soybean planting was near 90% complete.

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Frost damaged soybeans
Heavy residue area with frost-damaged soybean plants. Several rows impacted like this make replant decisions more difficult as often what is seen is the entire length of the field isn’t impacted, just areas of several rows with heavier residue. At first glance, these plants may all seem dead, but it’s been interesting to see what may be surviving when the residue is pulled back. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Assessing Plant Recovery and Replant Considerations

May 27, 2022
Nebraska Extension recommendations on evaluating fields that were affected by crusting, hail, wind and frost damage this past week in order to make plant recovery or replant decisions.

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