Corn harvest

Crop Progress: Corn, Soybean, Sorghum Harvest Pushes Ahead of Average Pace

October 14, 2021
For the week ending Oct. 10, 2021: corn harvest was 29%, ahead of 22% average; soybean harvest was 60%, ahead of 42% average; and sorghum harvest was 38%, ahead of 24% average.

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Combine harvesting corn in a field

Crop Progress: Nebraska Harvest Continues at Near Average Pace

October 7, 2021
For the week ending Oct. 3, 2021, corn harvest was at 21%, soybean harvest was at 34% and sorghum harvest was at 21%.

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Musk thistle

Pasture and Forage Minute: Scouting for Thistles and Fall Armyworms, Soybean Residue as Forage

September 29, 2021
Extension educators review their tips for controlling thistles in pastures, scouting for fall armyworms and how to meet nutritional requirements while grazing soybean residue.

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Grain Bins

USDA NASS: Nebraska Corn Stock Down 28%, Soybean Down 58%

October 1, 2021
According to the USDA NASS, Nebraska corn, soybean, sorghum, oat and barley stocks are down from 2020, while wheat stock are up from one year ago.

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Combine harvesting corn in a field

Crop Progress: Corn, Soybean, Sorghum Harvest Running Near Average

September 30, 2021
Corn condition is rated 70% good to excellent and 71% mature with 13% harvested. Soybean condition is rated 71% good to excellent and 87% dropping leaves with 17% harvested which is near the average. Winter wheat planting and emergence is running near averages, while sorghum maturity and harvest are running slightly above average.

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Example of stunting and yellowing in soybeans
Figure 1. SCN does not often cause visible symptoms in soybeans. When population densities of SCN are high, you may notice stunting and yellowing (pictured here) in patches in some soybean fields.

Sample for Soybean Cyst Nematode This Fall

September 28, 2021
It is a busy time of year as harvest begins across the state, but this is the perfect time to collect soil samples for soybean cyst nematode while waiting in the field in a grain cart or truck as the combine fills.

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Wheat plant

Nebraska Crop Production Forecast for September

September 15, 2021
Based on Sept. 1 conditions, Nebraska's corn crop is forecast at a record 1.80 billion bushels, soybean is forecast at 327 million bushels, sorghum at 22.3 million bushels and sugarbeet at 1.3 million tons.

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Corn tassels

Nebraska Crop Progress for Sept. 12

September 15, 2021
For the week ending Sept. 12, 2021, corn maturity was 35%, ahead of the 29% average. Soybeans dropping leaves was 47%, ahead of the 37% average, harvested was 1%. Sorghum maturity was 27%, ahead of the 18% average, harvested was 2%.

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