Northeast Nebraska Insect Pest Update
January 8, 2018
Part of the 2018 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings, this article reviews insects to expect in northeast Nebraska crops and links to resources on management.
Corn Rootworm Management Update
January 8, 2018
From the 2018 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings: Corn rootworm continues to be a problem for Nebraska growers who rotate crops infrequently. Additionally, resistance to insecticides and some Bt corn reduces efficacy of these important tools in some fields.
Western Bean Cutworm Pest Update
January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics: An update on the western bean cutworm, a major pest in corn and dry bean production for most of Nebraska.
Which Bt Traits Do You Need to Purchase?
October 12, 2017
When it comes to buying corn seed, avoid investing in GMO insect protection you don't need. This guide looks at available traits and which proteins are effective on which pest species to help growers select the product best suited to their fields.
Researching What Could be Tomorrow's Problem Corn Ear Pest
September 13, 2017
Nebraska and Brazilian entomology researchers have joined to study current and expected corn insect pests and how management strategies can be changed to address population shifts.
Soybean Aphid Scouting and Management
July 15, 2020
The current economic threshold for soybean aphids is 250 aphids per plant with 80% of the plant infested and populations increasing. The article discusses the basis for this threshold and two scouting methods, including a speed scouting app, and management guidelines.
Although at Low Levels, Soybean Aphids Are in Northeast Nebraska
July 15, 2020
The infestations appear to have occurred recently, as the aphids were only observed on leaves that had not yet expanded completely. The economic threshold for late vegetative through R5 stage soybeans is 250 aphids per plant with 80% of the plants infested and populations increasing.
A New Stink Bug IPM Resource for Midwest Corn and Soybean Growers
May 5, 2017
In a new article in the Journal of Integrated Pest management the authors review the biology, ecology, and management of several species of stink bugs common to the Midwest, including the green stink bug, brown marmorated stink bug, redshouldered stink bug, brown stink bug, and onespotted stink bug, all of which are found in Nebraska. Photos and drawings would aid in identification in the field.