Suat Irmak – Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

Former Harold W. Eberhard Distinguished Professor of Biological Systems Engineering, UNLSuat Irmak
Figure 1: Early-planted rye (left) and late-planted rye before corn at Concord, April 22, 2016.
Figure 1: Early-planted rye (left) and late-planted rye before corn at Concord, April 22, 2016.

Biomass Production of Winter Annual Cover Crops in Corn and Soybean

August 11, 2016
Rye was the leading biomass producer in the first two years of a four-year study exploring whether winter cover cropping in no-till corn and soybean systems in Nebraska can benefit soil quality despite their short growing season.

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Corn leaf rolling
Figure 1. One indicator of heat stress is when corn leaves roll in the early morning in areas where there is adequate soil moisture.

Impacts of Extreme Heat Stress and Increased Soil Temperature on Plant Growth and Development

June 21, 2016
Both corn and soybean are susceptible to extreme heat (and water) stress during early vegetative stages as well as later critical growth stages (pollination for corn and flowering for soybean). Extreme heat stress can reduce plant photosynthetic and transpiration efficiencies and negatively impact plant root development, which collectively can negatively impact yield. The author recommends that during an extended heat wave (air temperature equal to or greater than 90 F for 7-10 days), applying 0.25-0.40 inch of water can be very beneficial.

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