Wheat Disease Update: Southeast Nebraska
May 24, 2018
A survey of wheat in southeast Nebraska found diseases generally absent or at very low levels, mainly due to recent dry conditions. Continued scouting for foliar diseases is recommended, especially in areas that receive rainfall and where the wheat crop has not yet headed.
Wheat Disease Update
May 18, 2018
A survey of wheat fields in central, southwest, and Panhandle regions of Nebraska found little disease. In addition recent rains have helped alleviate moisture stress.
Addendum to May 11 Wheat Disease Update
May 14, 2018
To differentiate sulfur deficiency from nitrogen deficiency in wheat, look for field patterns. Symptoms of yellowing limited to certain areas is more typical of sulfur deficiency. In addition, symptoms of sulfur deficiency are more conspicuous when soil temperatures are cold as in early spring.
Wheat Disease Update
May 11, 2018
No diseases were found during a survey of wheat fields in south central and southeast Nebraska this week, but growers are urged to continue scouting as recent rains may create conditions favorable to disease development.
Fungicides are for Fungi
January 8, 2018
Symptoms of bacterial diseases can be easily confused with those of fungal diseases in field crops. This article, from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics, reviews some of the common mistakes made in the major field crops and reviews research on the impact of fungicide use after hail events in corn and soybean.
It's Time to Scout for Wheat Diseases
April 19, 2018
With the predicted return to more normal temperatures, it's time to get into wheat fields and start scouting. Stripe rust has already been reported in southeastern Kansas and is expected to move northward. Included is a table of fungicide efficacy ratings for disease management in wheat.
Risk Factors and Management Recommendations for Wheat Diseases in Nebraska
August 30, 2017
What factors contribute to diseases in wheat and what management steps can help deter wheat disease problems. Also addressed is how to use integrated pest management to reduce threats that could rob yields.
5 Pre-Planting Steps to Reduce Disease Problems in Wheat
August 28, 2017
Before planting winter wheat this fall growers have an opportunity to address and manage several factors that could lead to reduced yields in 2018. Here are five steps to take.