Sarah Sivits - Former Extension Educator

Sarah Schlund

Geographic Responsibilities: Dawson, Buffalo, and Hall counties
BS Biology, Eastern Illinois University, 2013
MS Agronomy (cmphasis in plant pathology), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016
(Research focus on Goss’s bacterial wilt and leaf blight of corn)
Focus Areas: Crop Production & Water Management, particularly pest identification, plant pathology, and weed science
Staff Spotlight: Sarah Schlund

a tractor applying pesticide

PSEP: Online Certification Options

March 19, 2020
Nebraska Extension has canceled all in-person training, including chemigation and pesticide applicator training, starting March 16, 2020. The COVID-19 Information page on the PSEP website will serve as a hub for PSEP-related information during the interrupted training season.

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Nebraska Extension Offering Its First Ever Crops Practicum

January 30, 2020
The Nebraska Crops Practicum is a hands-on educational program that highlights research, techniques and technologies used in agricultural research, pest management and sustainable agriculture while encouraging best management practices to improve farm efficiency and profitability. Registration ends March 5th.

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Bacterial stalk rot in corn

Diseases to Watch for in Flooded Crops

July 11, 2019
Producers, consultants, and agronomists should be alert to the potential for increased disease pressure in fields that experienced flooding in March or more recently. Here are some of the diseases you're most likely to see.

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Bacterial leaf streak on corn

Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn in Nebraska

June 27, 2019
Bacterial leaf streak of corn is increasing as Nebraska. When scouting, growers should take time to differentiate it from gray leaf spot as fungicides will not work on bacterial leaf streak but will help control gray leaf spot.

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Pipe-irrigated corn in west central Nebraska

Crop Production Roadshow to Tour West Central Nebraska in Mid-January

December 19, 2018
This free meeting series will focus on production issues and research updates specific to west-central Nebraska. Topics will include soil improvement, cover crops, nutrient management, weed identification, herbicide strategies, and crop marketing.

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Bacterial leaf streak in corn
Figure 1. Bacterial leaf streak symptoms on corn are interveinal streaks that may appear tan, brown, or especially yellow when backlit by the sun.

Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn

August 25, 2017
Bacterial leaf streak was just confirmed in Nebraska in 2016, the first incidence in the US, but has now spread to 56 counties and is found in eight other states.Learn about factors contributing to its development and "host" plants, as well as management options.

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Wilted, stunted phytophthora
Figure 1. Wilted and stunted soybean plant due to phytophthora in an otherwise healthy field. (Photo taken in Hall County by Sarah Schlund)

Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot Developing in Soybeans

July 27, 2017
As conditions heated up the last two weeks, the fungus causing phytophthora root and stem rot became active in irrigated fields and those fields that received significant rain over the past couple weeks. Growers are encouraged to scout for this disease and, if found, manage through seed selection and treatment for the next crop.

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