Samantha Daniel - Extension Educator

Samantha Daniel

student, faculty
Graduate Student
76025 Road 329 Grant NE 69140-3257
Cattle in snow
While water demands in the winter may be less than summer, keeping water available can be difficult. Having animals eat snow may be tempting but requires an experienced herd, plenty of fresh snow and healthy animals.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Winter Insect Mortality and Livestock Water Needs

January 16, 2024
Extension educators review the effects of subzero temperatures on overwintering insects and whether snow can adequately be used as a water source for cattle. 

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Cattle grouped during snowstorm
For every degree of cold stress a cow faces, they increase their energy requirements by 1%. It's important to provide shelter and adjust feed to help cattle meet these energy requirements and avoid body condition loss.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Cold Stress Preparation, Feeding Brown Hay and Silage Safely

December 19, 2023
Extension educators provide recommendations on preventing body condition loss in cattle during low temperatures and ways to safely feed heat-damaged hay and silage.

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Controlled burn of red cedar trees
A prescribed burn continues to be the most economical approach to controlling Eastern red cedar trees. (Photo by Troy Walz)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Red Cedar Control and Fall Hay Inventory

November 29, 2023
Recommendations for prescribed burning to control Eastern red cedar in pastures and rangeland, and fall hay inventory.

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Cattle in snow-covered corn residue
Leaving stubble at the end of the growing season is a great way to catch snow, which will provide insulation to and prevent evaporation from the soil, protecting forages in the process.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Cornstalk Nutrition and Winter Forage Snow Cover

November 6, 2023
Insights on the nutritional value of cornstalk grazing and the importance of leaving stubble at harvest to help build snow cover.

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Cheatgrass closeup
Rejuvra™ is a new rangeland herbicide product from Bayer that controls cheatgrass seedlings. It should be applied in early fall before seeds germinate and can provide control up to two years post-application.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Cheatgrass, Last Alfalfa Harvest and Fall Armyworms

September 19, 2023
Management insights on controlling cheatgrass, wild oats and fall armyworms in pastures, and using growing degree days to schedule your final alfalfa harvest.

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Cattle grazing field
Cattle grazing cereal rye cover crop near Tecumseh. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Planning Cover Crops, Testing Hay Quality and Nitrate Management

September 12, 2023
Tips on selecting and planting cover crops, managing nitrate risks while grazing annuals, and preparing hay samples for testing.

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Grasshopper in field
With continued drought, producers may see grasshoppers moving from field edges into crops. Frequent scouting of fields will be critical in the coming weeks, particularly in alfalfa and late summer-seeded grasses, which are more susceptible to feeding damage..

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Grasshoppers, Pasture Weeds and Wet Hay

August 23, 2023
Insights on late summer grasshopper and pasture weed control, and options for producers putting up hay in wet conditions.

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Grasshopper in meadow
Grasshoppers tend to thrive in dry, hot conditions while outbreaks can be severely limited by cool, wet spring weather, and as such, producers in eastern Nebraska might see an increase in outbreaks this summer, while western Nebraska grasshopper populations may be reduced.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grasshopper Control, Sub-irrigated Meadow Hay Harvest

July 7, 2023
Extension insights on grazing strategies to accommodate weather changes, grasshopper scouting and treatment recommendations, and tips for getting the most out of sub-irrigated meadow hay harvest in Nebraska. 

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