Megan Taylor - Former Extension Educator

Nebraska sample field map

What Have We Learned about Soybean Seed Constituents in Irrigated and Dryland Producer Fields in Nebraska?

June 14, 2021
With a continuous decline in seed protein concentration in U.S. soybeans, UNL researchers examined how irrigation practices in Nebraska may contribute to this issue for soybean growers.

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musk thistle

Fall Thistle Control in Pastures

September 30, 2020
Fall, specifically October and early November, is a key time to chemically control thistles in pastures, both biennial and perennial thistles. Proper identification of thistles is key to picking the proper chemical control.

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fall alfalfa field

October Alfalfa Harvest Considerations

September 30, 2020
With droughty conditions across the state and late season moisture regenerating stands of alfalfa, is there still an opportunity to take October alfalfa cuttings? And which stands could handle a late season cut?

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Drooping corn ears
Figure 1. Corn showing premature ear droop. (Photos by Aaron Nygren)

Drooping Corn Ears Across Nebraska

August 25, 2023
Across Nebraska, when scouting you may start to see more ears that have prematurely drooped. What is causing this phenomenon in our corn? And what does this mean for yield in those fields affected?

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N field chats flyer

#NField Observations and Chats – New Program Series From Nebraska Extension

August 14, 2020
We are expanding the N Field Observations & introducing “N Field Chat” sessions starting this Tuesday August 18 at 7 pm. N Field Chat is a live question & answer session on-line with experts from Nebraska Extension including both specialists & educators from throughout the state.

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Alfalfa stand previously interseeded with grass and legumes near Columbus, NE. – Megan Taylor

Evaluating Alfalfa Stands Part II - Renovation Options

August 12, 2020
Typically, alfalfa’s autotoxicity makes planting into established stands impossible. However, in new stands that are less than 12 months old, there is a chance that reseeding alfalfa in areas that are extremely thin or void of alfalfa may see success.

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thinning alfalfa

Evaluating Alfalfa Stands Part 1 - Using the Hay Square Method

August 5, 2020
Were you expecting more from your alfalfa yields? Is it time to renovate, start over, or move on? Typically, evaluating stands occurs in the spring, but evaluating this fall will give you a better idea going forward and allow more time for future options.

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insect damage on soybean leaf from thistle caterpillar

Extension Crop and Pest Reports (June 15-19)

June 16, 2020
Extension educators report on what they are seeing in the fields this week in Madison, Pierce, Antelope, Platte, Boone, Nance, Merrick, Hitchcock, Hayes, Frontier and Red Willow counties.

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