Mary Drewnoski - Beef Systems Specialist

Mary Drewnoski

Work Animal Science Complex (ANSC) C220F
Lincoln NE 68583-0908
Work 402-472-6289 On campus, dial 2-6289
Download vCard for Mary Drewnoski

Faculty Bio

Drought-stressed soybean field
Drought-stressed soybeans with few to no pods present. Depending on economics to harvest, using drought-stressed soybeans for forage may be an option. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Soybeans for Forage

August 17, 2023
Brown soybean plants that were evaluated by crop insurance at 2-4 bu/ac can be grazed if a grower doesn’t wish to harvest them. They’re just low quality.

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Cattle in pasture
Attendees of this year's pasture walk will have the opportunity to speak one-on-one with extension educators to address their forage production questions and concerns.

Summer Annual Forage Pasture Walk on Aug. 23

August 11, 2023
During this year's pasture walk at ENREEC, participants will learn about warm-season annual productivity, annual forage fertility management, prussic acid and nitrate concerns, and more.

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Droughty corn

Forage Options for Drought-stressed Non-irrigated Vegetative Corn and Nitrate Concerns

June 29, 2023
UNL experts share recommendations for producers who are considering using non-irrigated drought-stressed corn as forage.

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Interseeding video intro
It’s important to plan ahead of time and know your goals when adding cover crops to your operation. In this article, Nebraska Extension evaluates numerous cover crop species and provides guidance on how to choose the species that will best fit your production needs. This video shares additional information on cover crop species used.

Interseeding Cover Crops into Early Season Corn and Soybean: Species Selection

April 27, 2023
In this article, Nebraska Extension evaluates numerous cover crop species for interseeding and provides guidance on how to choose the species that will best fit your production needs.

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Interseeded cover crops

On-Farm Research Early-season Interseeding into Corn and Soybean Results (2019-2022)

April 13, 2023
The final results of a three-year study on interseeding cover crops in early-season corn and soybean include observations on yield, soil quality and net return.

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Fire damaged corn field
A corn field affected by fire during the 2022 harvest season in Cedar County. (Photo by Mitiku Mamo)

FAQ for Fire Damage to Unharvested Crops and Harvested Ground

October 28, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators share recommendations for crops impacted by fire damage, highlighting grain and feed options for unharvested corn, what to expect of soil nutrient loss and techniques to avoid soil erosion.

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Corn residue field
Grazing is a great way to make use of corn residue rather than baling as it leaves the ground with more cover, does not result in compaction and returns most of the nutrients to the land.

Crop Residue Exchange Available for Listing Your Corn Residue Acres

November 2, 2023
Many cattle producers rely on corn residue for a winter feed resource. The Crop Residue Exchange can help facilitate a mutually beneficial forage rental partnership between producers.

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Annual forages
USDA NRCS Montana (Flickr/Public Domain)

Weighing Risk and Reward of Annual Forages

June 23, 2022
An influx of prevented plant acres provides freedom for producers to grow annual cover crops to counterbalance current forage prices.

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