J. David Aiken - Extension Water and Agricultural Law Specialist

David Aiken

Work Filley Hall (FYH) 103D
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
Work 402-472-1848 On campus, dial 2-1848

Faculty Bio

Crop field and farm

Terminating a Verbal Farm Land Lease

August 14, 2019
The deadline for formal notification to terminate a verbal or handshake year-to-year land lease agreement is September 1. Here are some things to consider when terminating various types of land leases.

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Applying for Reduced Valuation of Damaged Property

June 14, 2019
A Q&A on the process of applying to have your property value reduced if you suffered significant 2019 flood damage.

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New Law Allows Lower Taxes for Flood-Damaged Property

June 5, 2019
A new Nebraska law provides that property owners who suffered significant flood damage can apply to have their 2019 property taxes lowered. Damage must be reported on a new state form by July 15.

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Man fixing fence

Rebuilding Fences After Disaster

May 2, 2024
After this spring’s severe weather, fencing repairs and new fences are a priority for many producers. This article looks at considerations when you assess fence damage, the fence law, and available assistance.

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Ducks swim amid a flooded unharvested corn field whose value as farmable land will be reduced this year. (Photo by Laura Thompson)

Property Taxes and Flood Damage

April 23, 2019
A bill in the Nebraska Legislature would establish a process for reducing the value of land and buildings damaged by natural disaster. See how this process would work if passed in its current language.

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Flooded cropland in eastern Nebraska. Photo by William Dodd)
In areas where cropland was flooded, should rental rates be adjusted for 2019? Landlord-tenant communication this spring is recommended to address this question.

Should Leases be Adjusted for Flood-Damaged Farm Ground?

March 28, 2019
This article provides guidance on adjusting rental rates for flood-damaged cropland with different lease characteristics, including having that important landlord-tenant discussion this spring before planting.

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2019 Nebraska Property Tax-School Funding Issues

March 8, 2019
Nebraska has some of the highest ag property taxes in the nation. This article explores how these taxes support state and local government as well as K-12 education and examines some of the major property tax relief proposals.

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Nebraska and Neighboring States’ Ag Property Taxes as a Percentage of State Net Farm Income Compared to US Average, 1950-2017

January 31, 2019
In Nebraska, agland property taxes have risen to historic levels in recent years as state net farm income has declined, leading to an agland property tax crunch for farm and ranch landowners. Nebraska’s agland property taxes as a share of state net farm income are 46% higher than for the US as a whole.

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