Estimating the Full Value of Crop Residue
August 11, 2017
If you're considering cutting drought-stressed corn or sorghum for silage, you might want to take a second look at its nutrient value to the next crop if left in the field.
Iowa Releases New Publication on Use of the Late Spring Soil Nitrate Test
June 8, 2017
Following heavy spring rains, farmers may be interested in testing for soil nitrogen availability. This article notes a new publication from Iowa State University on using the Late Spring Soil Nitrate Test (LSNT) as well as other options for assessing soil nitrate.
Risk of Nitrate Leaching Across Nebraska as of May 21, 2017
May 25, 2017
Following heavy spring rains UNL soil scientists model potential loss of nitrate-N to soil leaching, finding an average 14% loss from mid-April levels, with three sites with much higher losses.
New NebGuide: Soil Management for Increased Soil Organic Matter
March 2, 2017
A new Nebraska Extension NebGuide discusses the steady state level of soil organic matter and how some management practices can reduce soil organic matter loss or increase soil organic matter.
The Long View of Nitrogen Recommendations from Nebraska Extension
January 6, 2017
At the 2017 Crop Production Clinics, the Nebraska Extension Soils Team is presenting a historical overview of how nitrogen recommendations for corn have developed and changed since the 1950s. We are also discussing what may lay ahead for nitrogen management.