Check Herbicide Restrictions before Planting and Using Cover Crops
June 28, 2019
Cover crops offer many benefits for prevented planting fields; however, including them in a rotation adds another layer of complexity, particularly when it comes to plant-back restrictions for previously applied herbicides. Here's what to check before selecting a cover crop species.
Raise Cutting Height With Delayed First Alfalfa Cutting
May 31, 2019
When alfalfa harvest is delayed, check for the height of new shoots that will become your second cutting and adjust your cutting height if needed.
Seed Supply of Summer Annual Forages May be Short
May 22, 2019
Several factors this spring may be limiting alfalfa and hay production, making summer annual forages a good option to ensure livestock feed is available later. If you're consider this, be sure to obtain the seed you want before supplies tighten.
Fertilizing Cool-Season Grasses in May
May 16, 2019
With bountiful soil water this spring, fertilizing pastures may be a beneficial use and boost yield, but be sure to time your fertilizer application to provide the extra yield when you most need it.
Assessing Freeze Damage to Alfalfa
May 23, 2022
Did your alfalfa suffer freeze or frost damage last weekend? If you suspect more than frozen or wilting leaves, check the growing point of plants. All new leaves, stems and branches initially develop from the growing point.
Assessing And Reacting To Alfalfa Winterkill
April 18, 2019
Did the tough winter take out some of your alfalfa? Assessing alfalfa stands now and acting quickly can help you minimize long-term losses.
Take Advantage of Spring Soil Moisture for Alfalfa, Pastures
April 18, 2019
A full soil profile opens up your options for increasing pasture, alfalfa and forage yields by adjusting your fertility plan to take advantage of the moisture.
Thickening Alfalfa With Spring Cereals
April 10, 2019
Have a tough winter and recent disasters left your alfalfa hay stand a little wanting? Consider boosting hay yields by drilling in oats, spring triticale or spring barley now.