Ben Beckman - Extension Educator

Ben Beckman

PO Box 368 101 E Centre Hartington NE 68739-0368
Loading corn silage
Silage harvesters can put out impressive volumes of chop, often overwhelming the packer with too many loads before they can get a proper pack. Remember, the speed of chopping should be determined by the packing speed, not the silage chopper.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Corn Silage, Last Cutting Alfalfa and Forage Inventories

August 29, 2023
Best practices for packing and covering corn silage, timing the last fall alfalfa cutting, and taking inventory of fall and winter feed supplies.

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Grasshopper in field
With continued drought, producers may see grasshoppers moving from field edges into crops. Frequent scouting of fields will be critical in the coming weeks, particularly in alfalfa and late summer-seeded grasses, which are more susceptible to feeding damage..

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Grasshoppers, Pasture Weeds and Wet Hay

August 23, 2023
Insights on late summer grasshopper and pasture weed control, and options for producers putting up hay in wet conditions.

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Pasture in drought
Though pastures that have had some precipitation are coming back, resist the temptation of grazing them hard this fall, as these plants need to build back reserves before winter.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Drought-stressed Brome, Alfalfa Seeding

August 17, 2023
Insights on managing drought-stressed brome pastures this fall, planting windows and weed control for fall-seeded alfalfa, and registration information about upcoming field days.

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Drought-stressed soybean field
Drought-stressed soybeans with few to no pods present. Depending on economics to harvest, using drought-stressed soybeans for forage may be an option. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Soybeans for Forage

August 17, 2023
Brown soybean plants that were evaluated by crop insurance at 2-4 bu/ac can be grazed if a grower doesn’t wish to harvest them. They’re just low quality.

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Hay stack
Uncertain forecasts make harvest decisions difficult for hay producers, but it's important to keep in mind that the more hay is worked, the more leaf shatter occurs and the lower quality we end up with — especially for alfalfa.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Kernel Processing for Silage, Hay Harvest and Storage Considerations

August 9, 2023
Nebraska Extension Educator Ben Beckman reviews methods of kernel processing for quality corn silage, reducing hay loss during storage and adjusting for adverse weather during hay harvest.  

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Corn silage harvesting
Target silage storage moisture content should be 65%-70% moisture, as drier silage can overheat and spoil, and higher moisture content may cause loss of nutrients.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Corn Silage Harvest and Storage, Rejuvenating Thin Alfalfa

August 3, 2023
Extension educators share recommendations on strategies for silage harvest and storage, and ways to improve thinning alfalfa fields to delay the need for a complete reseeding.

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Cattle in pasture during storm
As replanting severely hailed corn or soybeans fields are likely not good options at this point in the growing season, producers may want to consider planting forage by first contacting their insurance company to discuss options.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Forage Considerations for Hail, High Temperatures

July 26, 2023
Extension educators review warm- and cool-season grass production during periods of extreme heat, preparing for corn silage harvest and forage options for corn and soybean fields with severe hail damage.

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Pasture and Forage Minute: Nebraska Grazing Conference, Summer Annual Forages and Pricing CRP Hay

July 17, 2023
Make plans to attend the 2023 Nebraska Grazing Conference, tips to help make sure summer annual grass hays are dry and of good quality, and how to price CRP hay.

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