Ben Beckman - Extension Educator

Ben Beckman

PO Box 368 101 E Centre Hartington NE 68739-0368
Hereford cow and calf in field eating hay
A cow's energy requirements increase about 30% and protein needs nearly double after calving. Because of this, it's important to use your best quality forages with any needed supplements to provide adequate nutrition.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Feed After Calving, Adding Legumes to Pastures

February 12, 2024
Tips on meeting nutrient requirements of cows after calving season and improving pasture production by frost seeding or interseeding legumes.

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Cattle eating hay during winter
Properly testing hay and adjusting mineral and livestock diets during the winter are important steps in minimizing the risk of issues like tetany and nitrate poisoning.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Pasture Leases and Winter Hay Nutrition

January 30, 2024
Extension educators review factors that affect the success of pasture grazing leases, and how to avoid toxicity and malnutrition through livestock feed during the winter.

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Oat field in summer
While taking stock of your operation for the new year, it’s also a good time to start planning spring annual forages. While oats are probably the most common cool-season annual forage planted in Nebraska, spring triticale or spring barley are also good options, with comparable forage yield and quality.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Preparing Your Operation for 2024, Planning Spring Annual Forages

January 23, 2024
Winter brings time to take stock of our current operations and plan for the future, which can make a significant impact on success in the upcoming year. 

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Cattle in snow
While water demands in the winter may be less than summer, keeping water available can be difficult. Having animals eat snow may be tempting but requires an experienced herd, plenty of fresh snow and healthy animals.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Winter Insect Mortality and Livestock Water Needs

January 16, 2024
Extension educators review the effects of subzero temperatures on overwintering insects and whether snow can adequately be used as a water source for cattle. 

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Cattle in snow-covered corn residue
While fall and winter weathering can reduce its nutritional quality, cornstalks are still a great and economical winter feed source if supplementation is managed appropriately.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Tips for Cornstalk Grazing, Using Bad Hay and Silage

December 26, 2023
Considerations for grazing cornstalks with snow cover and utilizing low-quality hay and silage during periods of low supply and high feed costs.

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Cattle grouped during snowstorm
For every degree of cold stress a cow faces, they increase their energy requirements by 1%. It's important to provide shelter and adjust feed to help cattle meet these energy requirements and avoid body condition loss.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Cold Stress Preparation, Feeding Brown Hay and Silage Safely

December 19, 2023
Extension educators provide recommendations on preventing body condition loss in cattle during low temperatures and ways to safely feed heat-damaged hay and silage.

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Cattle eating hay during winter
One of the cheapest natural sources of protein, alfalfa hay is highly digestible and can increase consumption of low-quality feeds, making it a great supplement for winter diets.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Grazing After Fall Fertilizers, Using Alfalfa as Protein Supplement

December 6, 2023
Extension insights on grazing crop residue following fertilizer applications and using alfalfa as a protein supplement in winter feed.

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Hay in stacks
Producers should be mindful of their hay feeding practices to reduce financial loss — with no restrictions, cattle can waste nearly 45% of fed hay.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Reducing Hay Losses, Understanding Relative Feed Value of Hay

November 21, 2023
Extension educators share insights on how to reduce fed hay losses and the differences between relative feed value and relative forage quality when testing grass hay.

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