Ben Beckman - Extension Educator

Ben Beckman

PO Box 368 101 E Centre Hartington NE 68739-0368
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Frost damaged sorghum
If sorghum is at hard dough stage when temperatures dip to 28°F for a period of two hours, it may result in a yield reduction of around 20%.

Premature Frost Damage to Crops

October 14, 2022
UNL experts weigh in on the potential impacts for replant crops that experienced freezing temperatures Oct. 8 or may be at risk for a freeze this weekend.

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Soybean harvest residue
With higher hay prices and forage shortages this year, interest has grown in baling soybean residue; however, it's important for producers to weigh the costs — including potential erosion and nutrient removal — against current market value to calculate the cost effectiveness for their operations.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Baling Soybean Residue, Winterizing Alfalfa by Growing Degree Days

October 11, 2022
Higher hay prices and forage shortfalls have many producers considering baling soybean residue, but it's important to first analyze the cost effectiveness. Plus — concerns on nightshade and winterizing alfalfa.

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Fall armyworm caterpillar

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing for Interseeding, Controlling Thistles and Fall Armyworms

September 27, 2022
Following last year's atypical infestation of fall armyworm caterpillars, extension educators urge preparedness in the event of a reoccurrence this fall. Plus — why overgrazing is a good strategy prior to interseeding legumes.

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Pasture and Forage Minute: Monitoring Hay Quality and Pests, Early Cornstalk Harvest

September 21, 2022
Extension educators cover the variables involved in testing hay quality and what pests may sneak in with your imported hay — plus, why harvesting some corn a little early might be a good strategy for grazing this year.

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Cattle grazing cornstalks
Safely grazing drought-stressed cornstalks can be accomplished with an appropriate grazing plan and fencing precautions.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing High Nitrate Cornstalks, Late Summer Weed Control

September 14, 2022
Extension Educator Todd Whitney reveals techniques to safely graze drought-stressed cornstalks — plus, more on late summer weed control and planting small grains for spring forage.

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Droughty soybeans
Grazing and ensiling may be the easiest ways for growers to handle drought-stressed soybeans this year.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Salvaging Drought-stressed Soybeans as Forages, Grasshopper Control

August 30, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators review forage considerations for growers faced with droughty soybeans, tips on measuring stands and assessing alfalfa field health, and thresholds where grasshopper control may be warranted.

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With its rapid regrowth rates, orchardgrass is an excellent option to add to a cool-season grass mixture for late summer forage planting.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Valuing Drought Forage, Late Summer Planting, Managing High Nitrates

August 24, 2022
Insights on how forage prices should be adjusted this year for droughty crops, the optimal grasses for late summer forage planting and how to manage high nitrates in forages.

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Corn silage

Pasture and Forage Minute: Storage Considerations for Corn Silage and Hay

August 17, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators share recommendations on harvesting and storing drought-stressed corn for silage, and the most efficient ways to minimize hay bale weather loss.

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