Aaron Nygren - Extension Educator

Aaron Nygren

1071 County Rd G Ithaca NE 68033-2234
Work 402-624-8005 On campus, dial 7-8005

Faculty Bio

He provides local agronomic support for Saunders, Douglas and Sarpy County.

Card promoting the Confronting Cropping Challenges meetings

Confront Crop Challenges and Update Applicator Certification

November 27, 2018
Confronting Crop Challenges will be the focus of five meetings to be held in northeast Nebraska this December. Each offers updates on recent crop and pest issues in eastern Nebraska as well as pesticide applicator recertification training.

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Soybean plants showing wilting and necrosis
Figure 1. Soybean plants exhibiting signs of wilting (A) and necrosis (B) in fields in eastern Nebraska.

Orange Gall Midge in Soybeans

August 1, 2018
Reports of orange gall midge in soybean increased in Nebraska this year and researchers have initiated in-field and laboratory studies to help learn more about its potential to reduce yield as well as best practices for its management.

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a flooded field
Figure 1. With more rains mid-week Logan Creek left its bank, covering farmland in its path in Dodge County (Photos by Nathan Mueller)

Information and Resources for Flooded Fields

June 28, 2018
Following heavy rains in northeast Nebraska this week, many growers are facing some tough decisions. This offers information and resources to aid in assessment and decision-making.

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Take Time to Set Up Nebraska Ag Water Management Equipment

May 23, 2018
As you finish planting, consider installing ETgages and soil moisture sensors before crop roots interfere. Then join the hundreds of farmers contributing their data each week to the Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network, a valuable tool for managing your crop.

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IrrigateCost Screen showing savings

Value of Using Sensors to Manage Irrigation and Tips for Proper Installation

June 8, 2017
With planting wrapping up across the state, now is an excellent time to install soil water sensors and ETgages. Timely installation is important to gaining the true benefits of sensors: reduced irrigation costs, less nutrient leaching, and reduced chances of overwatering leading to anaerobic soil conditions. Find information on water and economic savings and tips for installing soil moisture sensors and ETgages.

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Irrigation center pivot

Is Your Irrigation System Ready for the Season?

June 7, 2017
Now is a good time to do a quick evaluation of the pumping plant, well, and center pivot to ensure they are in good working order before you have to rely on them during the heat of the summer. Here are a few quick checks you can do to help ensure a successful irrigation season.

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Map showing sites of Nebraska soybean fields in study of yield-limiting production factors
Map showing sites of Nebraska soybean fields in study of yield-limiting production factors

Help Us Identify Yield-Limiting Factors in Nebraska Soybean Fields

October 5, 2016
Nebraska soybean producers are being asked to answer a survey about their soybean fields and contribute to a benchmark study of current soybean production in Nebraska. Researchers from 10 north central states, including Nebraska, are collecting the data to identify factors that may be impeding growers from reaching full yield. See what they've learned in the first two years of the study and how they hope to use the information.

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