Aaron Nygren - Extension Educator

Aaron Nygren

1071 County Rd G Ithaca NE 68033-2234
Work 402-624-8005 On campus, dial 7-8005

Faculty Bio

He provides local agronomic support for Saunders, Douglas and Sarpy County.

Soybean emergence

Q/A: Questions about Soybean Emergence and Stands

May 27, 2021
There are many factors for producers with soybean emergence and stand issues to consider; this article reviews potential causes, identification techniques and management options.

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Drooping corn ears
Figure 1. Corn showing premature ear droop. (Photos by Aaron Nygren)

Drooping Corn Ears Across Nebraska

August 25, 2023
Across Nebraska, when scouting you may start to see more ears that have prematurely drooped. What is causing this phenomenon in our corn? And what does this mean for yield in those fields affected?

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center pivot irrigating late season corn

Scheduling the Last Irrigation of the Season

August 26, 2020
Usually by mid to late August, corn and soybeans have progressed enough in maturity that we have a good handle on how much water it will take to finish the crop out. So just how much water do we need to finish out the growing season?

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flowers forming on soybean

Extension Crop and Pest Reports (June 22-26)

June 22, 2020
Extension educators report on what they are seeing in the fields this week in the northern panhandle, Saline, Jefferson, Gage, Colfax, Dawson Buffalo and Hall counties.

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soybeans emerging in a field

Soybean Replanting Considerations

May 15, 2020
With the recent cold temperatures and frost in portions of the State, some are questioning the need to replant soybean. It’s important to assess potential recovery before making replant decisions. Soybeans are more resilient than one may think!

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emerging corn showing varying degrees of frost damage

Evaluating Freeze and Chilling Injury in Corn and Soybeans

May 13, 2020
The weather took a turn to the cold side over the last week. Across Nebraska, lows at or below 32°F were recorded. Clear conditions coupled with these temperatures favor frost formation especially in low lying areas. So, what does this mean for our crops?

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treated soybean seeds
Photo courtesy of Kevin Kirby, SDSU, Nathan Mueller, UNL.

Safe Handling of Treated Seed

April 16, 2020
This year remember to be safe when handling treated seed and check the seed tag for specific handling and use directions.

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Streaming On-Farm Research Logo

Streaming On-Farm Research Offers Live, Timely Results from Research Studies

April 9, 2020
New for the 2020 growing season, Nebraska Extension presents “Streaming On-Farm Research,” a series of short live webinars for farmers and ag professionals. These events will occur weekly, on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Sessions will be 30 minutes, featuring 15 minutes of presentation, and 15 minutes of Q&A.

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