Play it Safe: Rodenticide Updates

March 13, 2009

In case of a pesticide emergency, contact:


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Crop Insurance and Risk Management Resources

March 11, 2009

If you're still weighing your crop insurance and other risk management options for 2009, you may want to check some of these Web resources.

Crop Insurance Information

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Crop Insurance Deadline March 16

March 6, 2009

The deadline for spring planted crop insurance sign-up is rapidly approaching for Nebraska farmers. Corn, grain sorghum, soybean, sunflower, sugarbeet, dry beans, proso millet, and spring wheat producers will need to sign up for crop insurance by March 16, since March 15 is on a Sunday this year.

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Farmland Leasing Takes a Turn in 2009

March 6, 2009 With recession clouds rolling in, leasing of farmland is a whole new ballgame for 2009. By now most leasing contracts are in place for this year, but not without a great deal of uncertainty and economic tension for both landowners and tenants.

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With Limited Irrigation, Try Forages

March 6, 2009 Drought, declining water tables, and legal issues are limiting the amount of irrigation water available in some areas. If you don't expect to have enough irrigation water for a good grain crop this year, consider planting forages.

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Adjust Hay Conditioner for Maximum Drying

March 6, 2009 Take advantage of this preplanting period to fine-tune your hay conditioner to get the best performance when you need it.

Getting alfalfa hay to dry rapidly is one of the biggest challenges to hay making. The waxy outer layer of alfalfa stems greatly reduces the rate at which moisture can escape.

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Frost Seed Legumes Into Pastures And Hay Meadows

March 6, 2009 Adding clovers, alfalfa, or other legumes to grasslands can boost profits and red clover and alfalfa can reduce nitrogen costs and help make pastures more productive and higher quality. To add legumes to your grass pasture, you must accomplish three tasks correctly.

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