UNL Invention Transforms Corn into Peanuts

February 27, 2009 You'll get no static from this University of Nebraska-Lincoln invention.


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Woody Biomass is Nebraska's Untapped Resource

February 27, 2009 A recent study determined Nebraska has an assured wood supply to support strategically located woody biomass-based enterprises across the state.

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Using UNL Variety Trial Data to Select Hybrids

January 23, 2009

Hot off the Press: UNL's Spring 2009 Seed Guide

The producer's field is the most reliable environment for observing hybrid performance. That's why UNL's Variety Testing Program evaluates hybrids and varieties in on-farm trials where participating farmers manage the field practices and inputs.

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UNL Extension Offers Resources to Manage High Input Costs in Crop Production

January 20, 2009

With input costs for the 2009 crop production season projected to be significantly higher than in recent years, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension has resources to help.

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Skip-Row Corn Provides Improved Drought Tolerance

January 9, 2009

In Rain Fed Corn

Robert N. Klein, Western Nebraska Crops Specialist

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No-till Farming In Dryland Cropping Systems

January 7, 2009

Randy Pryor, Extension Educator 

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