Irrigation Management with Limited Capacity or Water Allocations

July 6, 2012

Irrigation management under hot, dry conditions like we're seeing now can become complicated when your water supply is limited due to well capacity or water allocations.  Careful management can help you more efficiently use the water you have to produce yield.  This year a few well-timed inches of water may make all the difference.

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Tips for Irrigating in Extreme Hot, Dry Conditions

June 29, 2012

I am often asked if you should operate your pivot during extreme weather conditions with high winds, high temperatures, and low relative humidity. My answer is “that depends.”

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Deferring the First Soybean Irrigation until Stage R3

July 5, 2012

SoyWater Updated to Account for 2012 Soil Water Conditions

Also see in this week's CropWatch:  How to Register For and Use UNL SoyWater

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Why You'll Want to Sample for SCN This Fall

Oct. 27, 2014

$45 million.

That's how much Nebraska soybean farmers are estimated to have lost to soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) last year.

The good news is that loss will decrease in 2014. The bad news is that's because the price of soybeans is lower, not because SCN is any less common.

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SCN Sampling is Part Science, Part Art

Oct. 30, 2014

Recently a farmer asked how to take a good soil sample for soybean cyst nematode (SCN). This is a question we're getting asked more often, especially at this time of year.

There is both a science and an art to collecting good soil samples.

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