USDA FSA programs are available to help farmers and ranchers impacted by floods and other natural disasters.

N Field Observation text logo

This Week on N Field: White Mold in Soybeans

July 20, 2023
White mold in your soybeans? In this N Field Observations, Nebraska Extension Educator Amy Timmerman discusses how field history, irrigation and row spacing are important factors affecting the presence of white mold as well as what you can do if it is in your field.

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phytophthora symptoms on soybean plant

Field Conditions Shift to Favor Soybean Phytophthora Stem and Root Rot

July 20, 2023
Dry conditions early limited many seedling diseases. But with moisture increasing across the state in the last few weeks, PRSR is beginning to show up on farms.  

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Drones in Ag conference info graphic

Nebraska Extension Launches New Drones in Ag Conference on Aug. 3

July 18, 2023
Drone pilots and businesses utilizing drones across Nebraska will converge on Aug. 3, 2023 for the inaugural Drones in Ag Conference, sponsored by Nebraska Agricultural Technology Association (NeATA) and organized by Nebraska Extension.

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Pasture and Forage Minute: Nebraska Grazing Conference, Summer Annual Forages and Pricing CRP Hay

July 17, 2023
Make plans to attend the 2023 Nebraska Grazing Conference, tips to help make sure summer annual grass hays are dry and of good quality, and how to price CRP hay.

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Hail-damaged soybean

Hail Damage to Soybean in Reproductive Stages and Options

July 14, 2023
Nebraska Extension educators and specialists share replant recommendations for soybean producers recently affected by hailstorm damage.

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Hail-damaged corn

Hail Damage to Late Vegetative to Silking Corn and Options

July 3, 2024
For producers with crop damage from recent hailstorms, the timing of storms, crop development stage, field damage, subsoil moisture and insurance are important factors to consider when deciding the next course of action.

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Schnable on RFD-TV segment

Schnable Highlights Advances of International Corn Genetics Research

July 14, 2023
James Schnable, UNL agronomy professor, discusses the long-term agricultural impacts of a recent international research collaboration that successfully identified the complete set of genetic components for corn.

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Hailed field
Hail on July 8 took corn down to the stalk in some areas of Nebraska. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Annual Forage Options After Hail

July 14, 2023
Before planting forages in fields where your crop was destroyed by hail, take a moment to review these financial management and cropping system considerations.

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