USDA FSA programs are available to help farmers and ranchers impacted by floods and other natural disasters.

Corn Rootworm Larval Scouting and Postemergence Treatments

Figure 1. Rootworm larvae. (Photo by UNL Department of Entomology)
May 22, 2012

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How Extended High Heat Disrupts Corn Pollination

The recent high humidity has been helpful, but not enough to avert yield losses.

August 1, 2011; August 8 Addendum (below) related to pollination during periods of high humidity.

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Allow Crops to Strengthen Roots, Access Nutrient and Moisture

Photo - Shallow corn roots
Shallow corn roots may have developed in some fields due to excess rain during the early part of the growing season.

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Corn Disease Update: Scout for Stalk Rots in Corn

Sept. 3, 2010

Diseases have been common this year in Nebraska corn fields. Producers and crop consultants should continue to scout to monitor for development of stalk rots.

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How Corn Plants Respond to Flooding

 May 24, 2011

Heavy rains and overflowing creeks have caused some fields, particularly those in low-lying areas, to flood.  In other fields, water may pond for a period after the rains, and then soak in, leaving producers to ask:  How long can plants be underwater before they die?

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If You Decide to Replant Corn, What Comes Next?

May 13, 2011 Controlling a poor corn stand and replanting the field may not be as simple as it seems.

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Crop Damage and Grower Loss: Addressing Both Fronts

July 1, 2010

The recent damage to crops from excessive rain, hail, and high winds has created many questions for growers. Unfortunately, the window to take corrective action is quickly closing or has passed, depending on the crop in question.

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