Field Updates

May 1, 2009 Keith Jarvi, Extension Educator in Dakota, Dixon, and Thurston counties: About 20% of the corn has been planted but things have slowed sown since last Saturday due to rainfall. We are seeing some winterkill of alfalfa with a lot of variability. Some fields look fine but others have large areas of winterkill.

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USDA Crop Report

May 1, 2009 For the week ending April 26, favorable conditions allowed corn planting to advance quickly, according to USDA'sNational Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska FieldOffice.

Corn planting was 27% complete, a week ahead of last year's 8% and four daysahead of the 18% average.

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State and National Cattle on Feed Down 5%

May 1, 2009 Nebraska feedlots with capacities of 1,000 or more headcontained 2.32 million cattle on feed on April 1, down5% from last year, according to USDA'sNational Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska FieldOffice.

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Dinsdale Family Faculty Awards Presented to Two Faculty Members

May 1, 2009

Two faculty members in UNL's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources have received awards for outstanding teaching, research and outreach.

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UNL Scientists Continue to Hone Use of Ethanol Byproducts in Cattle Feeding

May 1, 2009 University of Nebraska-Lincoln scientists are continuing to refine how the state can best take advantage of its unique mix of corn, cattle and ethanol production. One key focus is expanding use of ethanol byproducts in cattle feeding.

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