Digging into Extension, a CropWatch feature series, shines a spotlight on the professionals of Nebraska Extension, highlighting their roles in extension and services they provide to Nebraska farmers and ranchers.
Family members stand together near vehicle
Life insurance can be a key tool for farm and ranch businesses to provide tax-free death benefits at the death of the insured if the policy is structured correctly. (CAP photo)

Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance for Debt Coverage

September 26, 2024
This article highlights the importance of life insurance for farmers and ranchers in estate planning to cover debt, ensuring liabilities are paid off upon death.

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Woman stands at table in front of field day attendees near field
Carolina Córdova, Ph.D. (center) leads a demo for attendees of the 2024 Soil Health Field Day at Ithaca, Nebraska. (Photo by Abygail Warm, UNL communication specialist)

Córdova Leads USDA LTAR Collaboration on Innovative Protocol for Measuring Soil Carbon Stocks and Changes

September 25, 2024
The research team has developed a groundbreaking protocol for measuring soil organic carbon changes, enhancing carbon sequestration strategies through standardized long-term monitoring in agricultural systems.

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Large group of people surround Nathan Mueller during live rainfall simulation
A crowd gathers around the USDA NRCS live rainfall simulator which demonstrates the outcome of different soil health practices, led by Nathan Meuller, USDA NRCS state soil health specialist, at the WCREEC Water, Crops and Soil Health Field Day on Sept. 5. (Photo by Bijesh Maharjan)

Nebraska Soil Health School: An Accomplishment of Goals Through Collaboration

September 25, 2024
The Nebraska Soil Health School successfully hosted its second annual series of programs across the state, educating over 600 stakeholders on innovative soil health practices.

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Man and woman walk with children in field
Farm families can use life insurance as part of estate and transition planning to ensure financial security and smooth business succession for future generations.

Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance

September 20, 2024
Life insurance can be a valuable tool for farm families, offering tax-free death benefits if structured properly. This article outlines the types of life insurance and their roles in debt coverage, estate equalization and income replacement.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Termination Time of Cereal Rye Under Planting Green in Corn

September 20, 2024
In planting green scenarios, the timing of cover crop termination is critical for avoiding impacts to crop yield while maintaining optimal weed control.

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Harvesters in corn field

UNL Researchers Develop Sustainability Index to Measure Impact of Ag

September 20, 2024
Elliott Dennis, associate professor of agricultural economics, highlights details about UNL's new Sustainability Index, which measures the sustainability practices currently used by producers to help protect the environment.

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Combine harvesting soybean
Setting accurate custom rates for harvesting operations is essential for balancing fuel, labor, and equipment costs to ensure profitability for producers.

Setting Custom Rates for Fall Harvest

September 20, 2024
The article discusses how to set custom rates for fall harvest operations in Nebraska, using the latest 2024 Custom Rates Survey data.

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Alfalfa exiting machinery during harvest
Properly timing the final alfalfa harvest using growing degree days (GDD) helps ensure winterization and prevent winterkill, allowing stands to thrive in the next growing season.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Timing Last Alfalfa Harvest with GDD, Sampling Hay

September 17, 2024
Insights on using growing degree days for alfalfa harvest to ensure winterization before dormancy, managing nitrate levels in annuals for foraging livestock, and sampling hay for a comprehensive quality test.

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