Farm Lease Types and Options for Renegotiation or Termination
Feb. 18, 2011
With rising crop prices many landlords are trying to renegotiate the terms of their land leases, particularly cash rents.
Keep Stored Grain Cool and Dry to Extend Storage
Feb. 20, 2015
Keeping stored grain cool is important as outdoor temperatures fluctuate and eventually start to warm this spring, a North Dakota State University Extension Service agricultural engineer advises.
Don't Neglect Stored Grain this Fall and Winter
November 9, 2012
As most dryland corn producers know, you cannot assume that the 2012 corn in the bin has not been contaminated by molds, including mold species capable of producing mycotoxins. The only defense against mycotoxin contamination in corn is to manage the grain moisture content and grain temperature to minimize mold growth in the grain.