Preparing CRP For Pasture And Hay Use

April 10, 2009 Has your CRP contract expired or will it soon expire? If you plan to transition your CRP to pasture or hay, you need to take some steps now to ensure it meets grower needs.

You'll need to:

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Control Ground Squirrels as Temperatures Warm

April 10, 2009

Although it may not feel like it, spring is coming, and thirteen-lined ground squirrels will be emerging from hibernation. If you've even been surprised by how many tender little crop seedlings they can devour in a day, this would be a good time to implement control measures in fields where you've had a problem.

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Web Site Offers Wildlife Damage Information

April 10, 2009 Have you ever wanted a non-commercial resource that you can trust for information on wildlife damage management? A place where you could find out whether that animal control product advertised on TV actually works? Fortunately, there is such a place.

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AgNews: Rural Animal Disease Concerns

April 10, 2009 Releases this week from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.

Tuberculosis Case Discovered In Captive Elk Herd

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Field Updates

April 10, 2009 Wheat condition is rated0% very poor, 6% poor, 30% fair, 55% good, and 9% excellent, which is above last year.

Oat planting increased to 21%, near last year's22% but behind the average of 32%.

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